Heart and Hand, Inc., of Brandon, recently presenteda donation to East Central Communit} College for .one endowed and three annual scholarships for students in the College's gerontology program. Shown d~aring the check presentation are (from left) ECCC gerontQ!ogy instructor Mary Boulton, Heart and Hand executh e directory, onne Gallaher La1rd, Chairman ofthe Heart andHand Board ofDirectors Senator Terry C. Burton of Ne\\1on. and College · PresidentDr. Eddie M. Snuth. (ECPhoto)
Heart an~ Han~ establishes EC~C scholqrships
Heart and Hand, Inc., of Brandon recently established four scholarslups for gerontology majors at East Central Commumty College. A non-profit orgamzallon, Heart and Hand, Inc., promotes programs for senior Citizens age 55 and over and helps provide APr educational opportunities for those LAt preparing for careers m gerontology, the comprehensive study of aging SC ( and the challenges that face the aged. UNI East Central estabhshed the first WIN community college m Mississippi in gerontology in 1998. SPII One schol.:rship has been NEV edowed with a $10,000 donation; the other three, valued at $1,000. are funded annu~ .ly ana are named in
honor of Yvonne Gallaher Laird of Morton, Heart and Hand executtve director; and Heart and Hand board members Jane Rainey Holbrook of Ripley and Elberta Crowson Philhps ofColumbus. To be eligible for the Heart and Hand scholarships, applicants must meet the following criteria: •Be a Mississippi resident, with preference g1ven to those wh •Maintain a nurumum 2.5 GPA the fu:.t semester of study m order to be eligible for the scholnrshtp the second emestet. and •Plan to attend an annual Heart and Hand board meeting in Jackson in November of the year m wh1ch the s il{llarshtp is awarded. Scholarship tecipicnts are chosen by · e College Scholarship - ----– Committee. For more infomJallon - ----– contact the Dean of Stuilents' Office - ----- atECCC,P. O.Box l29,Decatur,MISS 39327. telepbone 635-21ll,ext 375, or toll freel-877 G0-2-ECCC(l-877-462- - - --- 3222), e..\. 375 , or ematl at
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