WEEK OF CA -'\ - LJ ,
ECCC Continued from page 1A need a new Baptist Student Union. "When I got there, I knew it," said Vaughn, who became the East Central BSU Director in 1995. "That's a good problem to have, but we had it," he said. Many of the meetings in the old facility forced cramped situa– tions, something that Vaughn said would be alleviated with the new 5,200-square foot structure. But Vaughn said he is seek– ing much more than comfort. "I believe it will help us increase our ministry and touch more young people, that is what is really important," he said. Vaughn said in the five years he has been at ECCC that 23 people had accepted the call to the ministry and more than 300 salvations had been recorded. "We ar e very excited about the things we are doing," h e said. Vat\ghn said the student s are excited about the new build– ing going up, but are disappoint– ed that many of them won't have a chance to meet in it. Some of the BSU's programs, such as the weekly Wednesday luncheon, are being held at Clarke-Venable Baptist Church near the college , while other meetings are being held at vari– ous places on campus. The new building will have a large meeting room, a conference room, work room, two offices and a commercial-type kitchen.
Vaughn said the new center would seat 200 people and could accommodate a tot al of 350 at any one time. The plans to construct the building began about three years ago and that's when a fund drive began. Area churches and individu– als have made donations, and when t h e amou nt neared $100 ,000 Vaugh n decided to begin construction. "We have had volunteers come out and help us," he said. "We will be done with the exteri– or soon, and then can move on to the interior." Vaughn said they only have $25,000 in funds remaining and will ha ve to stop construction when that money runs out. "We are counting on people to step up and help us," Vaughn said. "I encourage anyone who has ever gone to East Central or who has had a student involved with the BSU or who just loves God to give us a hand. It really is for a great cause." Va ughn stressed that the BSU, which is being constructed t o be look simila r to the build– ings on the ECCC campus, is not just for Southern Baptists. "It's for anyone who wishes to come. It doesn't matter about race, class, economic status or domination." Those wishing t o donate money to the building fund can contact Vaughn at 635-2481 or 635-4770. Austtn Bishop is a staff wrrter for The
Mend1an Star. E-mail him at abtshop@melidianstar.com.
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