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Portrait of a president
Arno Vincent and his wife, Ruth, with Mr. Vincent's portrai t now on display at ECCC. Vincent portrait unveiledat ECCC
capacities, including assistant football coach, head basketball coach, math teacher, registrar and dean of students prior to his se– lection as the college's third president.
Former East Central Community College President Amo Vincen t and his wife, Ruth, of Meridian, visited East Central Commu– nity College recently to to see Mr. Vincent's portrait go on display in the lobby of the col– lege Administration Building. The Administration Building was recently
Fundraising efforts are continuing to place portraits of individ uals in whose honor buildings oo the campus have been named. Contributions may be sent to the Office of Development;_and Alumni Relations, PO Box 129, Deca tur, MS 39327, or call toll-free 1- '--- -- 877-462-3222, ext. 323.
APPEARE named in Vincent'shonor. LAKE ME Vincent served as East Central's president from 1953 to 1962. He began his employment SCOTT C( at the college in 1947, serving in numerous UNION AF I '-'"'._ ___________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ _ _ ____ NEWTON MESSENGER
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