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_ ~ -- m ~If and I probahl) ;oo man) p1tche~ '\\ e don t hke to throw over 100 pitche~ and he threw 140 '"Their guy (Corcoran \\8=> ab-olutely bril– liant. In six starts again:,t u in two year::.. be
- ~:-e they st~p this summer. After all, 6-0 and hasn't given up more than three 1"\lll.S in .. :;..,,.,~"""=or: be.::n sna:kebit on the diamond all-any game. He's one of the best junior col- ::mg long. ~ lege pitchers I've ever seen as far as bemg The Wamors went 0-2 in the Region really good every time out." 23 Tournament at Meridian Community ~ · Ferris and Webb both had a single and College !ast week to finish their season a double for the Warriors, 20-28. Cham- wrh a 20-29 mark for the school's first blee had a pair of singles. Pinson had a l mg ~ason since the late 1980s. single. •Jt was an amazing year," EC coach Jamie Dellenger had two singles to go with his Cla rk sa1d. "I thought the guys played hard homer for the Bulldogs as they improved to 32- every inning of every game. We lost so many 18. Chris Broadus had a single and a solo close games. In the past, we've won those homer. games. This year it just went the other way. • Mississippi Delta 9, EC 7: As was the Maybe it was just catching up with us. case for most of their season, if anything could "No regrets, the guys gave it what they had. go wrong for t he Warriors it did and Friday We just didn't get it done and now we turn our afternoon's elimination game was no exception. attention to the future and it's my job to get EC had 16 hits to eight for the Trojans, but it some guys who can produce some runs." was the Warriors packing it up for the season The Warriors lost 16 games by three runs or when the final oul was recorded. less in 2000. EC" lost si1 games by one run,J six Th~ TNjans jumped out to-a 9-lilea
a "" recl ;. Kr.- Moore " fi der - chotce Hardy's 5-for-5 da} Jed the Warriors at the plate. Ferris had two s ingles and a double, while Webb had three singles. Page had two sin– gles, while Latimer added a double. Toby Pin– son and Migliacio each had a single. Jayeson McDonatd (4-7) took the loss, allow– ing five runs on five hits and five walks in four– plus innings. He also struck out five. Bo Edmiston (3-6) gol the win. EC finished 20-29, while Delta improved to 21-23. "We told the guys on the bus coming over here that this would be a defining moment in our program because we felt like a lot of people would feel that because of the crushing loss on Thursday night that we might have had trouble getting ready to play." EC coach Jam1e Clark RAid.
•y - !-e~ ~ ~-.: :'l tr.irU 'ba..: wr. . than two out;), you ve got to score them and ~ e __ lo!>t some opportunines there,~ EC coach Jamte - - Clark said. . The Warriors made a final threat in the bot- - - tom of the lOth as Patrick Ferrris was hit by a .5 : : pitch by Alec Gibson and Kent Chamblee drew a walk. After Toby Pinson was hit by a pitch to load the bases, Justin Webb hit a towering popup just behind the mound which fell for an ~ ~ : infield single to make it 6-4. Gibson then shut _ down the Warriors to pick up the save. "I told the guys going in that it was going to be just like the other Gulf Coast games. We were both throwing our top guy and we knew it would be low-scoring and the team that made the fewest mistakes would be the team that ._on," Clark said. Corcoran, an LSU signee, got the win to Improve to 9-3. He struck out nine and walkP.d
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