DiamondWa ·ors setto begin season
P a emme, La., and sopho- Am Thames, a 6', 179-pound
ris(6'1", 203) of Clinton, who lut seven home rune, last year, ts "btg strong, fast, throws well, and will bt highly recruited." Ferris \\ill bat m the middle of the hneup. Sophomortc centerfielder Lee \1artin (5 11", 172 of lake, who played only ,, third of the season last year due to an tnjul) returns to his centt>rheld posttton Clark said that Martin, a ~wttch-htt ter with "good speed," wtll also pro– vtde much-needed defense tn the outfield. Right fit>ld will be manned by McDonald, when he is not nn th mound, or b) Toby Pinson (5'~ 1 201) of Little Rock. Starting at catcher wtll be -,opho. more Brad Farler (o',lbO) Tuscaloosa or freshman 1-:ns Moo (5'10", 187) of Taylorsville. Soph more Josh Hardy (5'10", 170) \ h has been hampered by tnjune ' also play a key role at catcher oro • fielder when he completes rehab 1 • tton and ts able to return to the I up. hardy started tn lett fteld season. Although Clark has bt en ple with the recent success of hts 0 mond Warrior squ.1ds over the few years, he -;tated it ltmc take the next step " "We've won a state champ onship, we've come in l>CCond Region 23, and tl is time to ~ h far we can really go. but we m first make the playoffs, and our p ers are obviously aware ot \\ ha have to do to recKh the next We feel good right now and ready to get the season Ul" den Clark satd.
nght·hander from Newton. Fresh– a jud O\\ell a 6', 161-pound ""'''u... ..,nder from Philadelphia, will closer rk 1 abo counting on fresh– hut ers David Ryan (6'5", 189) u ca oosa and Clay Byars (6', f Philadelphia, who have sus– a arm InJuries and probably t be m the lineup until spring ak \\ e will really need these do"''" the stretch and look for– .-d to thetr return to the mound," k a1d 0 er l>tarters include sophomore \\ebb (6 2" 205) of Phtladel– at ftrst base; sophomore Judd nborn ·(5'!\", 164) of Noxapater, nd ba...e; and sophomore Brent :;'10", 147) of Philadelphia, rt stop. Clcuk said Webb, who hit la~t ) car, "is a ~easoned ball er and \ l: expect hun to have a year." Sanborn, who batted .350 t season, is described by Clark as natural leclder" "Judd is also utck, athlet11.. and should provide real play al second." Clark regards ge a~ "one of the best-if not the ~ t· hort stop 10 the league." Clark said freshman Turk Stovall ~ 10", 157) of Phtladelphia and I :\lontc ~tigha~:.to \\'ill share duties at thmi base. Chuck Welch (5'8", 195) ot ~lorton 1::. expected to back-up Page at short stop. Clark said Spence Lattmer (5'9", 172) of Philadelphia ''til be the backup at second base. Clark .;atd hts outfield "should be mong the be .tin the juco league." Sophomore ldt ftelder Patrick Fer-
ment four ron– parho?ated m th state tournament, Eas the state tJtle m 199 and the Diamond Warnor, -hared d - ~ion hon r:. wuh Gulf Coast b ing a 17-~ mark. EC firu•hed third the state tournament and \~ere run– ners-up for the Re~ton 23 champi– onship. Clark satd this vear ' t~am has all the weapons needed to compete tor another championshtp. "We feel good about the progres!'> the team has made at this point. We
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