gional completing the rain-suspended game from April 1 by a 9-3 margin. Brandon Fish (2-4) got the loss. The Bears, who came in with a 10-24 sea–
De::.pite a noticeable limp down the home- son's mark, took win No.2 of the afternoon with stretch. the Ea"t Central Community College a run in the bottom of the seventh. After three Warriors ha\e ~ecured a berth in the Region 23 straight walks loaded the bases, Scott Newman Tournament, .May 11-14. hit a game-winning single. EC. 20-27, will apparently face the - EC had taken a 1-0 lead in the top of host :\leridian Community College 't- . the first a s Daniel Muon hit a two-out Eagles. 36-15, on May 11 at 4 p.m. in ~ 0 triple and sco r ed when Justin Reed their Lourney opener. Also in the six- • reached on an error. team field are Northeast Mississippi (23- _ Southwest tied the game in the bottom 19-1), Gulf Coast (31-17 ), Bossier Parish. of the third on an REI-single by Ryan and Mississippi Delta C23-23). Mead. The Warriors went 0-4 in last week's action EC reclaimed a 2-1 lead in the fourth as to fall to 20-27 overall. In their last 10 games, Munn had an REI-single. the Warriors have an anemic .177 team batting The Bears tied the game again with an average with nine of those games resulting in unearned in the sixth with D~vian Bayham's losses. single driving in the run. • Bevill State 12, EC 2: The homestanding Jayeson McDonald (4-6) got the hard-luck Bear s run-ruled the Warriors in the April 24 loss despite giving up just four hits. He walked contest at Fayette, Ala. six and struck out four. Down 7-0 after giving up five runs in the bot- Jeremiah Watson got the win, allowing three tom of the second and two more in the third, the hits and striking out four. Narriors got on the :scoreboard in the top of the Besides Munn's single and triple, EC's only ifth on a double by Justin Reed and a single by other hit was a single by Toby Pinson. Patrick Ferris. Southwest made it 3-0 for the day by scoring The Warriors got their second run in the top five runs in the first two innings in the day's Jf the seventh on double::; by Ferris and Daniel finale. Two walks, two hit batsmen, and an RBI– Munn. single by Mead d id the damage in the first Bevill had only Lwo hits in scoring five times inning. in second frame as Warrior starter Allen Buck- EC got one run back in the top of the second ley (1-5 ) gave up three walks and hit another on an REI-single by Kent Chamblee. Chamblee batter. In two innings, he allowed six runs, all had three singles to account for nearly all of earned, on three hits and four walks. EC's four hits in the game. Ferris had a single and a double for EC, 20- The Warriors got their second run in the third 24. Reed, Munn, and Justin Webb each had a inning on an RBI-double byMonty Migliacio. double. Monty Migliacio and Judd Sanborn both Patrick Ferris had a run-scoring fielder's had a single. ., choice in the seventh to conclude the scoring. • Southwest 9-3-6, EC 3-2-3: The Warriors EC starter Amos Thames (1-2) took the loss, tied the dubious school record for losses in a day giving up three runs, all earned, on two hits and with Wedncsday's South Division trifecta in two walks in an inning of action. Summit. EC fell to 11-13 in the division and 20-27 SouthwesL padded a 3-2 fifth inning lead in overall. Southwest improved to 13-24 and 9-13.
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