WEEK OF _......~....9-~2~...__-a,)_.:::::.:::.... __
ECCC Homecoming October 7 Honorees
Sandra Towne Thomas of Chunky has been chosen as Vocational– Technical In– structor of the year. A graduate < H1gh School ar
High School, ECCC and MSU, where she received bachelor's and master's de– gree and the AA Certificate in Administration. She is married Thrash and they daughters. Billy Ray to Tommy have two
Recognition of Alumni of the Year, new members of the Athletic Hall of Fame and Instructors of the Yea r will highlight Homecoming activities sched uled October 6-7 at East Central Commu– nity college in Decatur. A lifetime ach ievement award will also be presented and special recognition will be made of various reunion groups. The theme for this year's observance is "Looking to the Future and Remembering the Past. Recipients of the annual Alumni Association Awards
Junior College, s L---- --1 bachelor's degree in nursing from the University of Southern Mississippi. She was recognized for having the highest grade point average of students in the RN to BSN class. She is married to Larry Thomas of Meridian.
Dill, (1964-65) of Escatawpa, two year stand– out on the War– rior football teams. inductee to the Athletic Hall of F~me.
In addition to outstanding
as follows·
,....----.......- football player at EC, D iI I
in various
at Homeco11nin2l as recipient Lifetime Achievement Award.
campus activities and was selected a freshman favor- ite. He received a bachelor's degree from Mississippi Col- lege and began a successful coaching ~d teaching ca- Presently employed with Chevron Oil Refinery in Pascagoula, he is married to the former Susan Foster ana has three daughters, a s tep– daughter, stepson, a grand– son and a step grandson. reer. ·
(Class of 1949:
Alumnus of t II 1
Y ear.
A graduate of Philadel– phia High and MSU, hav– ing earned many hours be– yond a master's degree, Land has made many contributions tf> ECCC, taking photos a t beauty pageants, fash ion shows and special occasions. · Land is married to the former Thelma Skipper a ~7-'-E~~~~~~sa~ t.; f..; ha\e three sons Classes of years ending m "0" , former members of EC band and Centralettes, Nurs– ing Alumni Asso, Phi Theta Kappa Alumni Asso., foot– ball team members and cheerleaders from 1974-75, 75-76 and 76-77, and gradu– ates of 57, 58 and 59 classes will be honored. A meeting of Warrior Club, the support group for athletes will be held. Luncheon begins at noCl'\ in Mabry Memorial Cafeteria, football game with Copiah– Lincoln at 2:30 and reception after game in cafeteria with public invited
A Philadelphia native and retired civil engineer w ith the National Park Service, Hutchison spent the past 20 years devoting much of h1s tune to various civ ic, community and religious or- ganizations in the Littleton community. He made numerous finan– cial gifts and other contribu– tions to ECCC. He estab– lished an annual award for a sophomore member of Alpha Alpha Epsilon. To date 16 pre-engineering sophomores A I have been recipients of this ·~ogrution. H ,.,b a • ::nd-
Coach Sue Gunter, stand– out ath lete at Nash ville Business Col– lege, ECJC, and Walnut Grove, named to A th – letic Hall of
:ia\'ln~ led coil~~ souad, LJ rng member of the AAE and at '. ;. .:A..:•., Ter .. "'tS5a: ::;~:e, S( served as vice president his Stephen Austill and LSLI, freshman year and was she served as head coach for U r president during his sopho- 1980 Olympic ~earn. she W more year. earned a bachelor s and mas- SPIRIT OF MORTON ter's degree at Geor?e Pe- -- abody- now Vanderb1lt. NEWTON MESSENGER
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