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Dacus, Sparkman to Perform at ECCC
Tenor Ed Dacus and pianist Carol Joy Sparkman will be in recital Tuesday, Septem– ber 26, on the campus of East Central Community College in Decatur. The performance begins at 7 p.m. in the Vick– ers Fine Arts Auditorium and the public is invited to at – tend. No charge for admis– sion. Dacus has performed over thirty character and leading tenor roles with several re– gional opera companies, in– cluding the New Orleans Opera, the Lyric Opera of Waco, the Ohio Light Op– era and the Baton Rouge Op– era. He will make his debut appearance with the Missis– sippi Opera production of Die Fledermaus in January. A performer with the Mis– sissippi Symphony Orches– tra and the Louisiana State University chamber Orches– tra, Dacus makes frequent appearances as a soloist in oratorio performances and is active as a solo recitalist. He and his wife, Viola, per– form often in duet concerts and recitals. Dacus has been a member of the music faculty at Mis– sissippi College for two years. He previously served en the voice faculty a t Oklahoma State Univer– sity. He holds the Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Southern Mis- sissip~i an? the master's de- grE.e m p1ano performance
from the University of Mis– sissippi. He obtained the Master of Music and the Doc– tor of Music Arts degree in vocal performance from Lou– isiana State University. Sparkman is known throughout the United States as a premier accom– panist. She is a regular per– former with members of the Mississippi Symphony Or– chestra in chamber recitals and often serves as a key– boardist with the sym– phony. She also performs duo pi– ano concerts with eminent composer Michael T. Smith for churches and church– music conferences. In addi– tion, she is known regionally as a clinician for handbell ensembles and church pian– ists. Sparkman is a member of the Mississippi College mu– sic faculty where she serves as vocal coach/accompanist, coordinator of accompany– ing, class piano instructor, and director of the renowned "Naturals". Along with her husband, Tommy Sparkman, serves as pianist/musical assistant at Parkway Baptist Church in Clinton where she directs and coordinates numerous en– sembles. Sparkman received the Bachelor of Music in Educa– tion degree and the Master of Music in Vocal Coach– ing/Accompanying degree from Mississipp'i College.
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