WEEK OF AUCJ . .ft7 1 Zboo
Craftco, ECCC join hands to meet educational needs
The\\\ o m5tructorc;;. Crume\ and \1odine. ha\'e a close "orkmg rdauonship and "team teach." lt 1s e' tdent that both ladies enJOY teach– ing other-. and v1ew the1r positions as a mintstry of help other people. "l hts IS a very rewardmg, humbltng cxpencnce,·' said Modine. \\hO teaches l•,nghsh to scverallhs– pamcs who are in the program. She asstsls the Hispamcs with Clttzenship requirements, a"well as teachmg them the Cnghsh language "1 hey 1\a\c lots problems beulUse our language is so dtffcrent from theirs, 'she e:-..platncd. "such as ad\ erbs conung after nouns We ftnd lughly educated people from other countrtes strugg.lmg ~\1\h our language." "Our students come from many Sltuattons," explatned Carmel. "Many of them are m a position to go on to college \\hen they get theu Gl!D. or are able to get better JObs." She pointed out that the program is designed for "anyone who wants to come. It is not lm1.1ted toGED students. or Craftco workers. but to ''hoe' er has a need in the community. such as improving reading and math skills arc learning how to fill out a resume."
by Betty Little
In 1995 Craftco, Inc. ofMor- ton and East CentralCornrnumty Col– lege began a joint venture to meet the educational needs of the community. With one teacher, Carmel Carlisle. Adult nas1c Education (ABE) and General Educat1on Development (GCD) programs were begun 1ll the traimng. room of the plant ··Within thn;c years the programs had stabJ– hZl'd and grown to meet the educa· uonal need~ of the commumty." said M{',. Car\Jc;;le. In 1998 ECCC placed a tr.lller behmd Craftco's plant to serve as a tratntng center and another mstrUC– tor ~as added 10 the program -- Mrs Modean Cros~ ~ ..ho teaches I:.LS. En– gltsh as a c;;econd language Smce the program's begin- mng. there have been 26 graduates to rcce1~e GEDs and many more adults hl!lped. On June 15th. seven students graduated. includmg one Htspantc tn a five county area. They ·were: Jane Brown. Lance Renfro. Chance Ivy, Cody May. Richard Gregory and Pamela Sykes. To receive aGED the stulk nt IS reqmred to pass five sub– JCCis: \Hiltng. math. social studies. sc1ence, and \nerature & the arts. ··craftco has been wonder- ful to promote this program," stated i\1rs. Carlisle.
There ts no cost for the pro- gramand people mthe conm1Ulllt) are encouraged to participate The in– structors are at the traming centet dt– rectlybehtnd Craftco on Ntonda) and Wednesday afternoons from 2:00- 4·00 JneABI:..GEDprogramnmsfrom Jul) I to June ~0 and can be entered at anyttme during the year. "1 hts IS mo~tly an indJ\ tdu- al1;ed program" c;.,.p\atncd \l1~ <.. arhsle. '' tth sn1dents worktng on ao;stgnments at home or in the tram– mg room. "If you would like to up– grade your educatiOnal level. or need help'' 1th the ACT. we'' ill be glad to help you."
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NEWTON MESSENG:::E::!Rr.,.L:·-----
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