"When 1 would get a little down about my studies, Gabriella would say to me, ' Mama, you can do it; I make straight "As" in first grade and I know you can do it, too!"' She also received encourage– ment from her son, Eric Evans, who graduated from ECCC in 1998, and son Kenneth, Keith's twin brother, who is employed at Tyson Foods in Forest. Mrs. Evans added that she and Keith would sometimes study to– gether and often discussed the previous lecture. Keith said he did not really feel "too much" pressure being !n the same class with his mother, and that he re– ally enjoyed the experience. Mrs. Evans said she first began taking college courses in the fall of 1997, after the company where she worked was forced to close. She had heard about East Central's ··Try College Free" program and decided to take ad– vantage of the opportunity. {The unique program allows for adult students who qualify to take their first college course at no charge. For more infonnation contact the Office of Adult and Continuing Education.) She later worked part-time for a convalescent home, then dec1ded to become a full-time student prior to the 1999 fall semester. . ow that sht.: has completed de– gree requirements, she IS pursu– mg a career in her field.
member since 1969, said Mrs. Evans and Keith were among the 15 students who took her psychology course offered dur– ing the first four-week summer tenn on the Decatur campus. She said both were "ideal stu– dents" and got along " quite well" in class together. "They were both good students and a joy to teach. Mrs. Evans participated in more class dis– cussions than her son, probably because Keith may have been a little shy in answering questions with hi s mother being in the classroom. Then again I don't know oftoo many students who would be comfortable with a parent being in the same class!" Pouncey stated. As Pouncey statecl both Mother and son were good students, as Mrs. Evans made an "A" in the course and Keith came away with a ··B." For Mrs. Evans, completing the psychology course meant more than JUSt recet\ ing a three-hour credtt: 1! represented a dream come true. She can now con– sider herselfa college graduate. having completed requirements for a one year certificate tn com– puter operations. She 1s obvi– ously very proud of her accom– plishment. ''Tt is a wonderful feeling to know that r have done some– thing I have wanted to do for along time. I feel like I hl\c re– ally accomplished somethmg. I just feel great!" Mrs. h•ans stated
As for Keith, who is also ing a degree in computer o tions, h1s goat is to gradual the 200 I spring semester. In dition to h1s studies. he enj being part of a gospel sin group whose members inc his twin brother Kenneth al with Craig Brown. Aaron Ev Tra\ is E\ ans and Rae McCoy. But he adm1ts his main goal earn his college degree. ·'My mother has really bee inspiration to me. She proved could do it. and r know I can it, too."
She added, '"Things did gt:t tough from time to time. but I was able to work my way through it by trusting in the Lord and not giving up. I also re– ceived help from a close friend. Annynese Edwards of Lawrence, who is also pursuing a degree at East Central," she said. Mrs. Evans said she also re– ceived a lot of inspiration from her eight-year old daughter. Gabnella.
:\1rs. E' ans and Keith often studied their psychology lesson \\ hicb obviously had positive results. Mrs. Evans completed the cou1 with an "A" and Keith cam• &\• ay with a ..B." (EC Photo)
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