llte new trail will be 3/4 m!le in length and will connect to the ex– isting fitness trail. It will also be paved. lighted, handicapped accessible and will include a wooden walkway over the south end ofthe Jake. In addition, t!Je path will feature the labeling of trees and vegetation with their scien– tific and common names, making the The College completed its Arboretum/Outdoor Classroom Project last fall, which provided addi– tional landscaping at the fitness trail. The project was funded through an urban an conununity Forestry Grant from the Mississippi Forestry Com– mission in cooperation w!tb the USDA Forest Servtce, the Soutbem Group of State Foresters and with private donatiO~. The project was officially named m honor of the Day family, whose members also provtded ftmd– mg. As part of the project, more
ECCC President Dr. Phrl A. Swphin acknowledges accepwnce ofaSI 00.000 grant from the Mississippi Deparrmenr of H'ilt!l£{1.', F1~heries and Parks 10 exrend 1he College's existing recreationallstl/(~\' frail. Ar left IS Ellis Taylor. grants coordmatorfor the Slate agency. ECCC receives Grant to extend Fitness Trail East Central Community Col–
trall pa11 ofthe College's t.:rban Fot– estry Ot11door Classroom. The grant application also included a proposal to construct a pi.l\'ilion at the lake. Dr. Sutphm said the grant will g1Ye a:"tremendous boost" to the East Central cameus and students from the fi' e-county district. which includes Leake, Neshoba. Newton. Scon and Winston counties. ·· fhe funds for this very worthwhile prOJect will g1ve us a new way to educate as well as recreate. Thousands of students and commu-
lege in Decatur has been approved to receive a $100.000 gram that will ex– tend an existing recreatJOnaJ!study trail to include an area around the College lake, announced ECCC Presi– dent Dr. Phil A. Sutphin. Dr. Sutph1n sa1d the College's application for national rec– reational trails funding assistance was approved by the Federal Highway Administration and the U.S. Depart– ment of Transportation. He said $80,000 ( o~ 80 percent) will be pro– vided through the Mississippi Depart– ment ofWildlife. F1shenes and Parks. and the remamm~ 520.()')0 (or 20 per- Eas1 Centralrttet\ ed offi appro' al of the grant from Eilts Ta.– lor, grants coordinator wtth the Mt.>– sissippi Department ofWtldlife. Ftsh– eries and Parks, who recently met\\ Hh College officials on the Decatur cam–
than 300 trees were planted on the ECCC campus and 123 ofthose trees were labeled" tth both thetr sctenttfic and conm1on names. A campus bo– ~cal guide containmg ptctures, m- ~ iormauon. and a map sho\\ mg loca– uons of $pee die trees "as also com– pleted as ~n of the proJect.
pus. . .. .. ------------ ION APPEAL _________ I STON COUNTY JOURNAL_ ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON X NEWTON MESSENG_E_,R'-l------- - - . . . .
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