Many at tend graduation at E.C.J.C. 50 years ago
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75 Years Ago - May 29, 1925 Bevil Hill News: Mr. N. M. Bradford returned Sunday from Dallas, Texas, where he attended the old soldiers' reunion the pa!>t week. Noxapater News: Mr. H . B. Caperton is the latest Buick pur– chaser. Noxapater News: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Price were called to Philadelphia Monday hy the death of Mrs. Price\ hrother, Mr. Hu nter Fari!>h, who died ...uddcnly at hi"> home there Sunday Noxapater Nl~W' M "-; buun Hickman who\e 'dwnl at /.:tina c lo.;cd la!>l week i' ''' burw tc• the delight of her many fr it·rHI' Mr. and Mrs J F Mundy ol Pine Bluff, Ar ~ . an: v"r' "'l' the· Iauer's parent~. Mr. oJtrd f\ tr.... II W. Scrivener here thr' wrc:~ Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, \... rth thl'" little niece, Mary Pri,od, .trc hl'rl' visiting Mr. Bradley'' mother ami sister, Mrs. Bradley and Mr~. Berry. Mr. G. W. E. Bennett vi~ited hrs sons, William and Phil, and daugh-
ter, Mrs. Fred Nabors in Birmingham last week. Phil gradu– ates from Birmingham-Southern this year. Mayor Brantley, Aldennen J. W. Howard, W. F. Woodward, and W. T. Wesson and W. T. Fulton, are on a pavement inspection trip to Dallas, Texas.
Mrs. J. Edd Haggard Monday night, enroute to her home in Houston. SO Years Ago - May 26, 1950 Mrs. Mary Triplett --had as Mother's Day guest!. her brothers and sister. Rev. B. T. Wallace of Shreveport, La.. Walker Wallace of this county, and Mr!>. Jollie Morgan of Sturgi..,. These arc the la-.t survrving mcmhcrs of a family ol nrnc Al ... o "'"' 'n~ Mr)\. Tnplcu Wl'I C Mr. und Mr.., Raymond l11plr11 .uul \nnt· nf tlw Shady c;II,Yt Co""'"""'' ;rml l\1r ami Mts, I . David J)c_tss .111cl lohu Alht;rt ol' llt l}~·~:j;vilk. , • · -M r~"'uruh 1\h ' ~-·c .B •M Vt'l' til Ut'tiiM \H' H' fill'''' of tlwn ...on 1 n 101\v ,uld d.tu~·hll·r Mr .lnd Mrs. A. J. I rlghman, l;"l I hur... day. Mr. ;rnd Mr... I krman Coggin~ 'pent two da).., .11 Manon Mrlitary l n~titute. Marion. Ala. where they allendcd graduation exercises and accompanied their son, Douglas. home. Among those aucndmg gradua– tiOn exercises and May Day at
E.C.J .C. Friday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Redd and Nancy Lou, and Mrs. G. A. Addkison and Elwyn. Pruitt Calvert and Dwight Addkison were among the gradu– ates. Mrs. Robert Patterson left Thursday for her home at Kansas City, Mo. , after spen
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Louis Taunton
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