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ECCC schedules five summer orientations
application for admission: 2) An ACT (American College Test) score academiettecbnical stu– dents only; does not apply to vo~.;.;.tional s•udenb); 31 High sd·
East Cen tral Community College will offer five orientation sessions this summer for s tu– dents who plan to attend classes for the 2000 fall term. The third annual Honors Orientat ion is scheduled for Thursday, June 8 for students who have a 24 or above ACT {~q:l.Efri~~n Cpllege. ;!'est) s~Qre and those selected STAR stu– dents, valedictorians ana saluta– torians. Also invited are members o the Nationa l Beta Club anc other nati onal honor societies. Addit ional orientation ses ' sions will be held Saturday, Jun< 17; Thursday, June 29 Wednesday, July 12; an< Saturday, Aug. 5. During orientation, student! will receive t heir approved clas! schedules for the fall semeste1 and have photographs made f01 their identification cards. Orientation also provides ar oppor tunity for students t< become familiar with campm facilities and avoid the feeling o· being a "stranger" when the) arrive in the fall. Randall Lee, ECCC Dean o: Students, said, "Summer orien· tation is the first s tep in the col· ·lege process and this is the firs1 real college experience studenb have after high school gradua· .tion ." He added, "Orientation serveE as a time to become acquainteci with other new students whc will be attending East Central. It also provides opportunicy for students to meet with admin· istrators, faculty and staff mem· bers, and current ECCC stu· dents."
plimentary lunch. For more information contact t he Dean of Stu dents' Office, ECCC, P.O. Box 129, Decatur, Miss. 39327, ph. 635-2111, ext. 204 or 205, or call toll free 1-877- G0-2-ECCC (1-877-462-3222).
Alexand academic counselor.) Lee d, '"The only charge to complete the onentanon process is a 50 regt trauon fee which is applied toward tumon costs for the fall em ster. St~~.. nts ''illO have documented ~tholarships that cover tbt~ fee do not have to pay the regtStrauon. However, we hi~y encourage everyone to pal all therr fees prior to Aug 1. Tho~e who have not prud all fees mu,.,t a ttend the final regt<>tratton on AuJ 11 and could possibly have to stand in long hnes to complete the proce-:s.'" He aJ... o ~tre~~ed 1t is not nec– essary for ~udents to know their major before attending orienta– tion . Lunch i"' pro,;ded in Mabry Memorial Cafeteria compliment9 of Ea:::.t Central. Parenb are abo encouraged to attend the onentation activi– tie:::. and JOlD ~tuden~ for a com-
To complete en trance require- LAKE ments, students must have the following information on file in SCOT the Office ofAdmissions, Records u NI0 r and Research: 1) A completed WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL
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