La– ECCC • rece1 e awards La-Z-Boy South m Nev.: ton and the East Central Commu– nity College Workforce De\ el– opment Center rece1\ ed ~ pectal recognition at a recent meetm,g of the State Workforce Coundl in Jackson. La-Z-Boy was presented a "Best Practices Award" and ECCC received an ··outstandmg Training Award." Attending the presentation Set- -\\\ \RD on p ge 2B
From left: jim Hansford, Joe Renaud, George Walker, Natalie Vance, Ron Forest, Chris Harris, Blackburn, Mike TrailkilJ, Vh.'ian Partain, Roger Whit}.,, I< Jim Fmley.
sh1p We at La-Z-Boy valu th.., .clationsh1p a great deal and anticipate contmued su ·cess
Continued from page 1A
we1 • representatives
from w1th the opportunity of uhliz-
ECCC and La-Z-Boy, including ing th pr Jim Hansford, industrial coor-~E~C~C.._C..__ __ ----~-~ sen'
dinator; Joe Renaud, personal development speciali--t, botn with ECCC; George Walker, ch,11rman, State Workforce Council; Nata lte Vance, basic sk1lls specialbt, and Ron For- est, workforce specialist, both of ECCC; Chris Harris, human resource manager, La-Z-Boy South, Larry Blackburn, work– force development center dire - tor ECCC; Mike Trailkill, en– gineering manager, and Vi· an Partain, controller, both of La- Z-Boy South; Roger Whitlock, work-based learning coord·~.~- tor ECCC; and Jim Finle}, CH) of Craft-Co in Morton and E 1st Central's representative oo the /J Stat, Workforce Council. ror several years, La-L-
L Boy South .md East Central - - --- - --– S Conununity College have pros- '- - - - - --– U pered from a relationship that has been beneficial to both our - ----- --- Y. conununity and our workforce," RNAL._ _ _ _ _
:--- --- - -----
S said Chris Harris. "The train- Ning opportunihcs for our em- ployees have been numerous and well-suit j for continued success and growth to our area and our industry. I treasure our L-.!--.....J-L..:_ ---1 - ..... --1....;__ -,.. 1...,
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