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East Central News
Homecoming posted Plans are underway at East Central Community Col– lege for the 2000 Homecom– ing celebration, which is scheduled Saturday, Oct. 7. Special groups being hon– ored at this year's observance include the 1974, 1975 and 1976 football teams, and all graduates of the College's Associate Degree Nursing program. All former members of the Warrior Wall O'Sound Marching Band and Centralettes are also encour– aged to attend and participate in the Alumni Band's .annual performance during halftime activities. Members of all classes ending in "0" will also hold reunion meetings. In addition, a reunion is planned for members of the 1957, 1958 and 1959 _classes, and will be held on Friday, Oct. 6. The annual Alumni Awards luncheon is scheduled at noon Homecoming Day in Mabry Memorial Cafeteria. Special recognition will be made of individuals selected Alumnus of the Year, Alumna of the Year, Academic Instructor of the Year , Vocation a 1- Tec hnic a 1 Instructor of the Year, and those named to the Athletic Hall of Fame. Nominations for these honors must be made by the June 15, 2000 deadline. _The annual homecoming football game kicks off at 2:30 p.m. in Warrior Stadium, with East Central hosting Copiah– Lincoln . For more information con– tact the Office ofDevelopment and Alumni Relations, East Central Community College, P.O. Box 129, Decatur, Miss. ,
New fitness center College personnel and students as well as commu– nity residents are taking advantage of the Founders Gymnasium Fitness Center which recently open ed at East Central Community College. The fitness center includes approximately $10,000 worth of exercise equipment, made possible through a donation from La– Z-~oy South in Newton. '
39327, Phone 635-2111. e,.'t. 323, or call toll free, 1-877- G0-2-ECCC (1-877-462- 3222), ext. 323. Football announced Six Thursday night con– tests and four games on Sat– u rday are included in East Central Community College's football schedule for the 2000 campaign, announced Teny Underwood, head coach. The Waniors begin season action by tmveling to East Mississippi for a 7 p.m. Kickoff on Thursday, Aug. 31, at Scooba. East Central begins home action in Decatur by hosting Delta at 6:30p.m., Thursday, Sept. 7, followed by another campus contest at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 14, with Coahoma. EC journeys to Gulf Coast
for a 7 p.m. kickoff on Thursday, Sept. 21, and will be homecoming guests at Holmes in a 5 p.m. clash scheduled Saturday, Sept. 30, on tthe Goodman campus. East Central hosts Hinds Saturday, Oct. 14, in a 2 p.m. matchup, and travels to Jones on Saturday, Oct. 21, for a 7 p.m. start on the Ellisville campus. East Central's final home game is scheduled at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26, with Southwest. The Warriors close out regular season competi- _tion by traveling to Pearl River on Thursday, Nov. 2. Kickoff is set for 7 p.m. on the Poplarville campus. All Warrior football ga e can be heard on WSSI-FM (98.3) feat uring veteran broadcaster Mike Goodwin.
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