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Warrior Club looks to upgrade DECATUR- Eust Central Community College is in the process of trying to raise nca~ly $4 million dollars through 1ts booster club arm in an effort lo upgrade the two-year· school's athletic facilities. Among the long-range plans are a $~.5 million multi-sport athletic field house which would serve both the football and base– ball teams, a $900,000 renovn– tion to the Brackcen-Wood Physical Education Complex which would enhance the seat– ing, and a new entrance to the football stadium at a price l.ag of $400,000. -··~~--
East Central Continued trorn page 1 D
ECCC WISH LIST Here are the immediate need items being sought by the Warrior Club: • General Athletics: Video cam– era $1 ,500; Two big screen televi– sions, $2,000; Rubber wetght room floor mats, $2,000. Total: $5,500. • Baseball: Two-toot high brick area running from dugout to dugout, $2,000; New grandstand ralls, $2,000 Total: $4,000. • Basketball: Chair back seats for Brackeen-Wood P.E Building. $125,000; Lockers for men·s and women's dressing rooms, $4,000; Bench chairs, $2,500. Total, $131,000. • Football: Movable film tower $1,500, Season ticket chatr back seats, $5.000; Topsoil-sand/sprinkler system on the practice field, $3,500. Total: $10,000. • Golf: Putting green, $1,500; Twenty-five dozen practice balls, S150, Six pick up shag bags. $100; Stx stand up golf bags with ECCC logo, $550. Total: $2,300. • Soccer: Combination press box/score box/storage facility, $1,500; Twenty-five travel bags with ECCC logo, $750; Underground water sprinkler system, $1,500; Aluminum benches with backs for home and visiting teams, $600; Six foot restraining fence around soccer field, $2,000, Concession stand/restroom facility (also to be used by softball), $2,000. Total: $10,850. • Softball: Travel bags, $900; Temporary fencing, $5,000 Total: $5,900. • Tennis: New tennis court lights, $1,000; Drinking fountain, $200; Restrooms, $5,000; Storage building, $2,500. Total: $8,700.
The Warrior Stadium entrance improvements would also include a new ticket booth-concession– restroom area. ECCC Athletic Director Sammy Pace said when some– thing goes on the long-range list it stays there until it is funded. "We try to get them as quick as we can," Pace said. "But if it is a need item, it may stay there 10 years. We haven't done that before, but I'm just saying it is going to stay there until we can find a way to fund it." He said no final decision has been made as to how much of the field house project money has to be raised before construction begins. "The field house has been something we have kicked around for several years and now we have come up with a plan for it," Pace said . It would be located East of the gym and South of the baseball field. "We are in the process ofdevel– oping a booklet that goes along with it that will distribute to sev– eral hundred potential donors and see what we get," he said. The funds for both long-range and short-range athletic needs are raised by the Warrior Club, a volunteer group that has been in existence since 1986. "We basically try to raise as much as we can in a given year,", said Ricky Harrison, president of
the Warrior Club. "We don't have needy program. a certain amount, we just try to
Harrison said the Warrior
help as much as we can." Club's goal is to help the school, The money raised is beyond through boosting its athletics pro- what is budgeted by the school. grams. "We have certain items that "We feel like we have an over- when we buy through the Warrior all good athletic program, but Club, we want them to be visible there is always room for improve– items, so those donating can ~ee meat," he said "There are a few v:h.. ""':! their mane c: eoinl? ~Pace dung"' ~e neea faciliues ·-•-:e said. w~..her • f the :-en - ~~~c~~-l~~. ~~~;~~-~~~~· ~~~ --- 1mr- p ant neecb.
''We have big-ucke: r..em- fl!ld then we ha\'e thmgs that are more-or-less cosmetic or quick fix that are immediate needs or small-ticket items," Pace said. He said he doesn't formulate the list of needs, that responsibili– ty is put upon the individual coach. "' may go back and say what about this or what about this. We encourage every coach to do something positive for their program every year - some addi– tion that stands out." This year there is a new score- " ., " , . , ~
The Warrior Club recently ~nt out a brochure itemizing nearly $180,000 in immediate needs. They range from $100 for a half-dozen pick up shag bags for the golf team to $125,000 for the chair back seats for the basketball facility. Pace said itemizing the needs helps the patrons put a little own– ership on the athletic program. "They can look and say this is what my money is doing," he said. "It is not just going in there and thEW never know. lt.'R not. inRt. s:~n
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