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I viii State Alabama. "He had good stuff and he bat· lied through some errors. We made ~Oilltl silly errorH early in the game, but a t ' ' 1East Ce,ntral splits with the bottom of the seventh. Central errors. Only one of the threl) He started off Webb with a fastball a t r un s that E CCC starter Jayt!SOII the knees for a called strike, then made McDonald gave up in the game was nn his mistake. eam ed one. "You cou ld s ee it coming," East Central The Warriors made five errors ECCC head coach Jamie Cl a rk behind him, as McDonald jusl said of the curveball "We l each 4 4 gave up four hits. After Bevill our guys to always look fastball, • had tied the game at 3·3, th< but I knew it and he knew it. It Bears had runners on first and wa s just like we knew h e was Bevill State second with two outs, but ECCG going to throw a curveball and he reliever Jud Nowell came in to threw it right there." 3 8 strike out the next two hittcr·s to Webb said his eyes lit up when m end the threat. he s aw the pitch headed to t h e Webb's homer in the hoUom of' plate. the inning madP. Nowell (2-0) t.he "I had just let the best fastball winning pitcher for tht: second I had seen all day get by me," said Webb, time in lc:-;s than 24 hours. He pitched who now has two homers on the year . "I t he lnRl t hreonn l•t , who) hnn ttlt'f1lldV by Josh H a r rah a nd a pa ir of EaAt s ig n t'cl with llw t hllvllf'tiill' of Nc1rth By Austin Bishop The Mend1an Star DECATUR - When Jus tin We bb walked up to the plate in the bottom of the last inning with the game tied, he had one thing on his mind. "I was trying to end it with on e swing," the East Central Community College first baseman said . "I was just taking my hacks ." He hacked a hanging curveba ll over the left. field fence for a solo home run in the bottom of the seventh inning to hand East Centra l a 4-3 win over v isi ting Bevill (Ala.) State in the first game of a doubleheader. , Bevill bounced back to usc two four– run innings and six errors by th e Warriors to win the second game 8-4. Bevill had used an Eas t Central error to tie the game at 3-3 in t he top of the first and Bears' starter Ryan Roberts set down the first two Warriors he faced in r -, 1 for Bevill was u two-run t ri ple by Adrian Brown. Bevill used three singles and two ECCC errors to score the four runs in the top of the J seventh which eventually won lhe game. ~ Afte r lhc ftrst two ECCC hitters were = retired in lh e botlom of the s eventh, the : Warriors began a rally that included doubles ) by J udd Sanborn a nd Justin Reed. 1 East Cent ral had just five hits in the sec- 1 ond game, with no Warrior getting more than one. Next up for the 2-5 Warriors is a double- header against Central Alabama at home on Sa turday beginning at 2 p.m. Central and ECCC square off in a single game at 1 p.m. second hit and McDonald had a double to go with hi:; single. The Warriors bad eight hits in the opener j n an. Bevill scored four runs in the top of the seventh inning in the nightcap to take an 8- 2 lead a nd the held off a Wa rrior rally, as Bear n.•liever ,Justin Pate ended the game by stnking ou t nn East Central pinch hitter with l hl· ban<'s loaded . Mm·io 1\ltgliaclO put ECCC up 1-0 in the S(!contl wlu:n he <:ingled in Ferris, who had douhltl(l. 'l'h nt became 2-0 in the third when I lui 1'hompann walked stol e second and co1'Cd whel\ 1\t:vill made two errors on the nmc :piny. 'l'ht' Belli'S t.heu sco red four unear ned I'UllA in 1 he fim•l h Io go up 4 -2. The big blow -------- . East Central Continued from page 10 0::: w ze> oz t-W c:::cn ocn ~ w LL ~ on Sunday. o::~uc:x:aoz c:x:.::::.,_ L_L_o ww.,_Z.-!:::t- o..~oO~Q;;:S: o..c:x:uz>o..w
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