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play this week

and our guc1rd:> will provide that outside unch. This group has worked E.xtremely hard on the defensh·e end. They are eagerly awaiting the start of our season." SophomorPs are point guard Lamond BO\\ Ie (6-l l of Morton and wing Anal Parkerson (6-1 ) of Neshoba Central who trans– ferred to EC from Meridian Community College. Freshman players are wings Otha Lay (5-8) of Lake, Stanley Floyd 16-5) of Forrest City, Ark., Romale Griffin (6-4 ) of Philadelphia, Shawn Moss (6-6) of Alleghany , Va., and Chris Webb 6-0 ) of Neshoba. Central; posts Chad Clemons

(6-8) of Philadelphia , Ke lli s Greer 16-6) of Neshoba Cen– tral, Mike Batalo <6-10> of Bel– grade, Yugoslavia, and Matthew Roebuck (6-10) of Newton Col1nty Academy; and point guards Joe Copeland <5: 9 ) of Emerson. Ark. , Kent Chamblee (5- 11 ) of Leake Academy, and Willis Barton (5- 10) of South Leake. Both EC teams participated in tournament action at ,Jones on Monday and Tuesday. They will host East Mississippi in the home opener Friday night with the Lady Warriors lipping off at 6 p.m. Assisting both EC teams is Brad Hodge.

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