WEEK OF __ ~--~~----
Rebe s fin· sh 3rd at East C tral
econd to go. Leake th the ball, Univer– t rn \"er and scor ed to three. down and cut
then got the econd... , still
to pla~ ,::,hepard added, tllli t' the first nme thi .... year 's team ha:. been in Ia~t-second shot situation ~we didn't really have a plan for it. We do now." "The more times we ge t into those types of situations, we'll be a better team for it." he concluded. Chamblee led Leake wit h 18 points, while Wilson added 11 and Majure finished with riinc. Rebels 62 In the consola tion, or third-place game, Leake experienced a similar
ln that , econd period. the Rebels d Macon to 10 point while scor– m~ 30 and never looked back. In t he :o.e cond h a lf, Leake out , cored the Vikings 3 2-23 en rout€- to a 28-point win. Guy Wilson led the Rebs with 18 point:;, while Kent Chamblee added
17 , Dusty Maj ure scor ed 11 and Winston 45 Br a d Chaney fi n ish ed with 10
Derek Freeny narrowly missed sit uation to the night before double figures, scoring nine.
After building a halftime lead, ·-' ['\1 1 o v ~ • .:> 1 0 1 :....n ur~- -
Taft Baker led M acan-uz.itl. 1 a 'lSutelh: UOl'lOl'!Oa.Id \'! sv..
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