• tne area 'Callers s
tive nature coming from a win– ning program will be a great attribute to our program.~ Chamblee won back-to-hack AAA state titles w1th the Leake Academy Rebels under coach Phil Shepard and aver– age d nearly 16 points and seven rebounds his senior sea- son. "We think he brings to our . program a strong, bigger point that can handle t h e physical nature or our league," Bowen added. Chamblee wa s selected F i rst Team All-MPSA h i s sen ior season an d was t wice named to the AAA All-State team. He is the son of P aul and Teresa Lyle of Carthage and Aaron Chamblee ofAlabama. Dwayne Hughes of Sebastopol was o.n Bowen's wish list from day one and
Nme area roundballers ccepted scholarships to contin– ue their post-high school educa– tion and basketball car eers. Johnita Conrad of Choctaw Central signed on with Coach Cheryl Rice at South Alabama on Apri l 7. the first day of the .;pring signing period, and on Apxil8, eight more area players accepted scholarships to play at East Central Comn unity College. Brian J ohnson and Joey Mann of South Leake, Dwayne Hughes of Sebastopol and Kent Chamblee of Leake Academy all signed with Coach J ay Bowen of the Warriors. while Uri Honeysucker and Sharon Johnson of South Leake. Jessica Sanders of Edinburg and Kittie Wilson of Sebastopol signed on with Coach Sammy Pace of the Lady Warriors. Sunbelt bound Conrad h el ped l ea d t he Chocta\\ Central Lady War– rior:. to three State 2A titles in four years, collecting all-state honors four consecutive years under coach Willis Tullo . and inte under Kenneth Thra,h and was named to the All-Dhi:-t team for the fourth conc:ecutJ year. He is the son of Emma Smith of Sebastopol. The final two area pla:o e signed by the Warriors b h a il from South Leake, B Johnson and Joey Mann. Of J ohnson, Bowen c mented , "We see his role AP P being a bigger three-man LAt Rice at South Alab ama likes Conrad's intensity and winning ways. "She's an excellent offensive player w1th a very competitive spirit," Rice said. "She has great h a nds and her anticipa tion (on defen se) on reading the pas sers i s great ," she added of Conrad's defensive skills. "I th ink s he'll be a major contributor to the Sunbelt Con fe ren ce and to our program next season," she added. In her senior season, Con– r ad averaged nearly 20 points to go along with approximately six steals and six assists. She is the daughter of Lin– nie Conrad and J oh n Wallace and is number 12 academically in a graduating class of 70 at Choctaw Central Fut ure Warriors Cliamblee, wh o signed a Bowen got his wish. partial ,cholarship with base- "H is shooting an d scorin g ball coach J 1mie Clark, com- ability \\;U make him a threat plet d hi-= scholarship with right away," he said of Hughes. East Central by signing wit h Hughes averaged 22 points, Coad1 Bo\\'"en six rebounds, five ass1sts and I ;;·n ~;";is Cali- ;;t~th senEC Mann is th e son of J ohn and Annie Gra} Future Lady Warriors Sammy Pace head coach of the East Cen t r a l La dy Wa r– riors feels he's added speed and depth for t he 1999-2000 sea– son. First, t hough , h e added a patr of big players from South Leake, Un Honeysucker and Sharon Johnson. Honeysucker was a four– time All-Division player under R1chard Rivers, aver aging 14 pomts and seven r ebounds h er ,entor .'eason. "Sh e's a very gifted offen– st'> e player, strong with a good e)e for the basketball." Pace commented ~AV~.,..'Jr.,...,. .;,.. •\..- ..!-.. 1 is the daughter of Miller and Betty J ohnson. Jessica Sanders ofEdinburg was a 5-1A All-Division s elec– tion both h er j unior and senior years under Steve Moorehead. As a junior, Sanders aver– aged 19 points per game, and r aised h er scoring to 24.5 her senior season to go along with s,\x rebounds and four assists. "An excellent shoote r, reall}, wit h a long r ange shot," Pace / said. .------------------------ Sander s is the daughter of I ---------– Manuel and Paula Sanders. Finally, Pace added post- pl ayer Kittie Wils on of ------- - - ---– Sebastopol to his list on sign- ing day. Wilson was named to the 8- lAAll-Division team her senior his senior sea::.on Joh averaged eight DOin-----
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