.... ~eu~s to basketball schob

Otha Lay goes to East Central Otho Loy of Lake High School rps signed o Notional Let1er of lrdbn l to ploy men's bosketbqll at Eo~t Central Community Coli< Q 1 In Decatur. ,Pictured w1th Loy(5eoted) a t the signing ceremony liPid recentiy at. ~oke H(gh ~chocil:is (stondlngjrom left) Lake bCJSkotbc•ll coach Bill Ingersoll. Vllinie L<-N;;_pndRickey Loy. ~ t .~ l I I- ·1 -1 1 l

Stephanie Harber of Forest High School 11(..1 of Intent to p loy women's bosketb<.lll c:11 Cu :.t lege in Decotur.Joinlng Stephonie(seoled mony were her parents Steve Harbor (SOCJI Harber. (seated. right) and stonding(from h wrs basketball coach. gino Skelton. FHS girl kif) I nthom. FHS p rincipal. oc~-q_oo <(

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