County students attend EC orientation mcruu students from Scott ty att. ndl'd Onentatlon acb\'J· held lum• 19 at East Central mmuntt} College m Decatur. \1t
Dunng oncnt.1tion ~tudents d nn rcg•... t<•r for fall classes and le.un oi .1 wide vanety of academ1c, :.nCJ.11 .1nd personal opportunities ,1, aJIJb),• on the Decatur campus. P.uticip.1nts included Wi lliam Blac!.. Chnt Uurl-.es, Rebecca Burkes, l1a Fh:tchcr, Erica Foreman, Jonath For more inform.Jilon .mt ct the Dean of Students Offite, Ea.. t c~ 11ltnl Community College, J'.O 13ox 129, Decatur, Mtss. 39327 Ph n3'i-_t 11, ext. 204, or call toll tr,~ 1 877 L.O 2- ECCC (1-877-462-3222), ext 20-! APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER SCOTT COUNTY TIM_E_S-:-;-=----- UNION APPEAL ------------------------ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ------ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ CARTHAGINIAN ------------------------ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD ------ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER -----------------
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