East Centrnl jumps Jones 21 J\n oH•rflo~' homccomtng ...rowd deep mto EC territory. The driH EC's le,ul rem.11ned 21-13.
watclwd tn delight as till' E,lsl Ccn– tr.ll Community Colll'gt' W,unors r.J1hcd for a 21-13 victor) on•r thl' delcndtng state champtnn lnnl's County )umor C:ollegl' Bobc,Jb S.Jt– urday att...·moon at \\'arrior Stadium I ht• South DivisiOn wtn kl·pt the Wilrrtors tied with 1lind-. .1top lcagut• :.landings. Both squ,lds sport 3-1 di\isinn records Wtth Cu lf C'u.1st .md Cnpi.1h-l incoln clusl' lwhmd at 2-1 e.Kh. E.1st Central's ovcr.1ll mark "land) .11 5-2 Jones sltp.wd to 3-4 and 0-t. Jlw \\',~rrior offensiVL' ••t1.11 k \\',,., ag.un kd by sophomon ll-h.1ck :'"$tl·\ l' I h'nky of lout~vdk, who p••\nllkd t!tll )1incs 'dL'tt>l1!>l' for Io I )ards on 22 carries. ll,•nlL·) clbo found tlw end LOIW on a II\ o p<1int ronvl•rsllm that gaH tlw \V,urtors tlw IL.ld tor goud at 1\ 7 wtlh JU~I (1\'l'r scven minutes IC'II bl'torc h,1lf– liml'. I k>nley's seven-yard d.1sh 1.1te in third period action l'Xkndcd the Warrtor advantage to 21-7 Ihe W,urwr defense ,md "P''Ctal tl'ams also plaved m.111H 1'\lll•s m c.umng the" m. t\ftl•r )0111?'> had taken the upcnmg kickoff and dnven ~0 V.Hd on II
slcllll•d th.mks m part to dcten::.ive After fcliling to make a hr'>t dn vn litwmt111 ,1.1mes Keys of Collins who on third ,mu one at the EL •I I, the ~ackl•d C.1rtc:r for a sh.-yard los~ to Warrior~ again called on Wt·l ms .md the \\'a rrior 18 yard-) im'. \ ftl'r an once agmn the o;ophomore re,.polld in~ompldl' pas.,, the Bobcat.. ... d up a ed. as lw buuml'd a 55-yarlll'r to 1h • 2-l·v.ud ftlld ~oal attempt b\' i\;ick Jones one v.ud-line. Mcmhardt, but defensive back The BobcJts quickly drow to the D' Angclu lt'l\ is of Quitman scooped EC 21, hut a quarterback ~.td; by up the ptgskm and raced 84 yards defen~tvc lineman David D.lnit•l ut for tlw swre The two-point omver- Tuscaloo!>.l County .md threl' inwm sion t.llll•d, but EC held ,1 1·1-7 plete pasM!s by Cuter seall•d the wtn ad' ,mtag~· at the break. for the Warnor:-. I !ali-tum• ceremontes agatn tea- In additwn to Henley's 161 yard , lured a pl.!rtormance by the ECCC tailback Jamarcus l\lurr.w of Alumn1 B.ltld, which pcrfurmed the Tuscaloosa Count} had 'i2 y.trd c n WcHrtnr 1-Jght Song wllh ''a~sis~l 1 ..t~*rHUt'JHtiJ:~I,jJc \"lflrsj~frh~t).) 4 lantt•" I rom the College'., W.11l 0' total c}'qrd:-> Ut~hin).h'l·n~~ !>0 y.ud I 'I "·!l J • f Sound 1\l.unmg Band. 1 ll' pr<'sen- passing. (,.mwr lUrnf)ll'h d II\\ I o tatwn of the Queen and her Court fi\'e pas"l'", wrth both recl•ptin \\l'fl' .1lso m.:tdc during the break. made b) R,t)• tndudmg llte 4(,.} a d Alumm ~ere ,1lso invol\'ed tn pre- touchdol\ n ::.IJ ike Fast C... ntral h d game 1.crl•momcs and curn:nt tnl'm- 11 fir~t do\\ n.... bcr, of the Ac'cents, the C'ulle~e·., \\'ccm-. a\ er.1ged 50 ynrds nn •x :>how choir, sang the ncltton ,ll punt... On the ~eJson, lw ts d\('tol • anthem. ing 41 y.11d pl'l' kick and h.ts h,1d Third quarter action '>J\\ Ecl"t onl) otw punt returned tor y.trd.rgt Central l'XIl'nd tis lead \\hen lll•n- (eight ynnh). ll') 'sse\ cn-y.ud burst capped an ~6- lone<, h.1d 2Ho yards pclssing M d y.ud dnH' tn H play,. Josh hardy ot 33 ru,hmg The Bobcat~ had l'tght PhtladelphtJ booted the PA f, Jnd first down., thl' \\ arnor'> led 21-7 with 2.:.1~ ldt 111 Defenst\'l'h for bC, Dc~ntl') h.1d 12
plavs, w tth quc~rterback Kl•on ( artcr thl• st.mhl.
tackles, indudtng five qu..trtnha• k sacks, and three assists. Keys had 10 tackles, Including three quartcrb. k satks-.~1ltt fi:-'<' 1l~$L~s. ,Dcfen"' ·c hnc– man Jamw: i ·h·ot::. of Ph1ladelphm recorded sl\ 'tackles altd lour .ls.~t ts, folio\\ l'd b.);.S)lpndren Lcwt~' hvc tackles. I t.>wts also blocked ,, )lllws field go.11 attempt, rcsultmg 111 ,, Warrinr touchdown. Jimison hloth•d a jones PAT This week E,1st Central t,lkt s a break from dt\'i'>ion compehltun to host \1is.,i:-.:.tppi Delta Commun1tv College at 6:30pm. The Troj.mo; (l 6) lost 34-0 to Northwest last wetk. All Wnrrior football games can be heard on WSSI-FM (98 .1) in Carthagl', fNiuring veteran broad– caster Mike Goodwin.
scoring on a 17-yard scamper, tht? J\tter an t?xchange of posses~ion Bobl,1ts 1\'l'Tl' looking to extt•nd tht?tr tn tlw Jin.1l stanza, tlw Bohra\S lead e.Jrl} m tlw ~cC•1nd quarh r but mo\ui mto \Varnor terntory ~ut the drl\ e stallt?d ''hen tr~ hma n agam lhl' dnve stalled thanks agam detl.•nsl\ e back Keaton Don.lld oi to a ...t.lndoul defensi\1~ play,.,., frt>t? Noxap.ller mtercepted C.utcr's pa::.s safet\ 1-rl'Ullan Jimison of 1\tcndtcm in the end zone. pick~J oll Curter's pass on the FC' 28 Don.tld's mterc~?ption ;.p.ukl·d tlw yard line. WcHrior offense, which JHOtnptly The W,trrior offense was unable
marchl·d 80 yards in ju!>ll'ight plays, to move thl' pigskin, but punter with quarterback Ti Garner ul Bran- Chris Weems of Newton boomed a don and wtdc receh er C'lms K,l)' of 69-) ardcr "luch pinned the Bobcats Scmmoll? County, Georgia, combin- back on their two-yard line. ing t.llenb on a 46-yard tuuchdown After buth teams lost po!>sessiOn strike Htmley;s run for the two pomt due to fumbles, Jones narrowed the APPEAREl conversion came on a "trick play," as EC mnrgin when Carter and wide tlw Wilrnors were in forn1.1tton for receiver Javon Walker connected on LAKE MES the PAT a 77-)ard sconng pass play with just SCO CO The Bobcats responded to the O\'er four mmutes remammg in the TT \'\arnor score by again marchtng game. )tmison blocked the PAT and
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