WEEKOF ______ ~--~~U~J-_q~C~( --
ECCC DiamondWarriorsare winners
OJ\ -.ion fo.., Copiah– ~""'tTt"1.1rtity ~olleges put the
Buckley of Brandon, who fanned five, walked two and allowed four hits over four and a third innings, anct sophomore Chad Champion of Holt, Ala., who fannea one, walked one and allowed no hits during one and a third innings. Webb was the leading slugger for East Central, as h1s grand slam in the sixth put the game out of reach for th e homestanding Wolves. East Central took a pair of 2-1 decisions over v1sitmg Pearl River on Wednesday. March 24. Allen went the distance in game one as he struck out five, walked one and al lowed just four hits. Ru~hing and Champion shar~d pitchmg duties in the night cap. Rush– ing went lour mnings, allowing three hits and one walk. He fanned three. Champion pitched in relief and fanned five. walked one and allowed JUSt one hit over thre~.o innings. The D1amond Warriors also posted a nondivision 14- 13 win over visiting jackson State Community College (TN) on Thursday, March 25, and fell 9-7 to homestand– ing Mississippi Delta on Sunday, March 28. East Central won the shootout with JSU when sophomore Linzy Gres– sett of Carthage knocked in the winning run in the 13th inning. Sanborn (1-0) was the winning pitcher. Fresh man Amos Thames (0-3) took the loss against Delta Top hitters for EC were Ferriss, home run and two smgles; and Willis and Champion, two singles each. Games scheduled, this week include road games with Southwest (March 30) and Itawamba (April 2). The Dta– mond Warriors travel to Hinds on April6.
tral C mmunity Col– to the playo ff chase
t --3m division competi– ague-leading Bulldogs thb ,·eek's action. The and South divisions qual-
Saturday, March 27, the ckunE~ a Q.J '' m in the first game - eas on m the mghtcap. r ason \\1 ~ (4-3) got the win in r e-.hoba Central High School and allo\ t·d four hits over five
~..t..nn.r.n> Dann} Ru~hmg of Edinburg com- un·~-.ru'" matchup by po::.hng three strikeouts
'dunng h1., two innings of work. East Centr.11 were freshman Brent
Pa e t ba Central who blasted a three-run homer and added -mglt?, sophomore Joey Allen of junctt C Ark.. tnp e and ;;mgle; Willi~. two doubles and t\\0 "ln.! es -.ophomore Brodie Meadows of Bran– don, doub e and -m~ e and ophomore Justin Chaney of t'\e\~ ton Countv and fre, 'men Patrick Ferriss of Clmton, justm \\ t?bb of 1\:e..hoba Centarl and Judd Sanborn of 1'\oxap~ter: .;.m-;:Je-. t:ach In game h\O Ru-.hmg (1-1) was credited with a win a" he walkt?d one and allo\\·ed three hits over one and a third inmn~s. Alc;o on the mound were freshmen Allen
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