ECCC INs prob footbaD starters Probable starters for East Central
tral or freshman Quentin Bowens (6'1', 250) o• Brooks -\Ia) mil start at tight ~o.nd On th~ o:rensa\e bne starting at qu1ck tackle " be Rand) Brown, a 6'2", 3 JO-vound treshman from Tuscaloo-.aCounh or Jerem} Smith, a 6'3•, 2"0-pound sophomore guard from 'ewton Count) Academ: At strong tackle ' I be ]o h Jones a 6'2", 292-pound ~ophomore from Tuscaloo,.,a Central Ala 5tartmg at quick g uard "all eather be Rand) Brunson. a o 3'" 213-pound fre.~hman from Seba,topo or Re-.:~e Ststrunk a 5', 11" 290-pound rremman •nm Louisville K} le ~\ ats;.m. a o 2", 291- pound svphomore trom ne,hoba Centra1, \ ·ill -tart at -trom~ "'uard. Samuel Ag~. a 6 z- 1-pound '<>pho– more from Tu-.caloo..a Central -.tarts at center Handling ktckm_ dut1e- '' tH be sophomores Josh Hard) (5 11", 170) and Jama{C ~acho .. 6 2 290), bow from Ph iladdphta '~h1le Ch n!> Weems. a o' 200-pound -ophomore from t'\ewton, ,, the punter. On defen~e, Hardy and -.opho– more Mi chae l Bea1 (5'10u, 185) of South Le. .e wtll alternate a-. at strong safety. At cornerback will be sophomore Freeman Jimison (5'10", 175) of Meridian. Freshman James Davis (5'10", 175) of Boiling Springs (N.C.) is expected to start at defensive back, while freshman Oth– ese Wells (5'10", 165) of Tuscaloosa Central or Chris Hooper (6'5", 205) of North Springs (Ga.) will start at free safety. Battling for the starting linebacker slots are sophomore Lacey McBreath (5'11", 217) of Neshoba Centra l, Shondren Lewis (5'10", 175) of Quit– man and Bnan Jones (6'2", 225) of Vtctona, Texas, along wath freshman Ben Barham (6'1'', 185) of Brandon, Lev1 Duncan (6' 1", 216) of Eustis (Fla Lakendrick Houston (6', 215) of LoWS\,Ile or Anthony Thompson (6', 215 ) of Early County (Ga .). Expected to start on the defensive ltne are sophomores James Keys 6' 2", 250) of Collins and Da vid Damel (6'2", 275) of Tuscaloosa 'county. Nichols will start at nose– guard. All Warrior football games can be hea rd o n WSS1-FM (98.3) in Carthage, featuring veteran sports broadcaster Mike Goodwin. Community College's season open– ing contest with visiting Northwest Community College, scheduled at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, September 2 in Decatur, have been announced by Terry Underwood, Warrior head football coach. Starting at quarterback will either be sophomore Ti Gamer of Brandon, a 6' 190-pound transfer from Missis– sippi state University, or freshman Mitchell McKinnion(6'3", 180) of Palatka (Fla.). In the backfield will be sophomore halfback Steve Henley (6', 230) of Louisville, sophomore tailback Jamarcus Murray (5'11", 200) of Tuscaloosa (Ala.) County or freshman tailback Terrance Wansley (5'11", 185) of Newton County. Battling for the starting job at wide receiver are sophomores Chris Ray (6', 185) of Seminole (Ga.) Coun– ty and Chris Kyzar (5'10", 165) of Leake Academy, and freshman James Davis (5'10", 175) of Boiling Springs (N.C.), Dewaski Burnside (6',175) of Noxapater and Omar Rein hardt (6'4", 205) o f Newton Conover (N.C.). Sophomore Marcus Johnson (6'5", 225) of Neshoba Cen- APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER___ ~--- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES__ ./=------ UNION APPEAL - ------ - WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ CARTHAGINIAN___ ____ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_____ NE~ONRECORD _ _ ____ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER._ _____
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