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afootball pia rs to
oods to become aWarrior
Forest senior Blrchel Robinson has signed a Notiono _e- eJ to ploy football at East Central Community College n De-ext: tured a t the signing day ceremony ore Berchiel (seated) cro left)Cho rity Robinson and Forest head footbo I coo ~ French.(Tlmesstaff photo by David Hawkins)
oocs has stgned a National Letter of Intent Ce ·ro Cl"'lmmunlty College In Decatur. Pie– ce emony are Freddie (seated) and (from 8eve Woods and Forest head football coach :n pno•o by David Hawkins)
Burkes will beaWarrior tt Central sen or Clint Burkes has signed a National Letter of Intent to ploy for-tball a t East Central Community College In Decatur. Pictured at the signing day ceremony are Clint (seated) and (from • • _ _, ·---- 11 ,...,..,..,,....., 1\illr-lt,::>v RntJnds and principal
Scott Central senior Lotourus Woshtngton has SlQ ter of Intent to ploy football at East Centro Com Decatur. Pictured at the signing day ceremom a·: •u.#-......... .__. and (from left) Deborah Washington, head foo·c
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