Joey lrby lrby selected PNC vo-tech instructor Joey Irby of Collinsville wis recently named metal trades instructor at the Philadelphia/Neshoba County Vocational-Technical Center a division of East Central Community College in Decatur, announced Dr. Eddie M. Smith, College pre:-;ident. Prior to joining the vo-tech staff. Irby was employed as a CNC operator/machinist at Tay~or. Mach\ne. Works in LoUl~nlle. He 1s a former machinist at U.S. Motors in Philadelphia. A graduate of Neshoba Central High School, Irby attended East Central Community College. He attends East Philadelphia Baptist Church. lrby and his wife, Heather have & ::-on, Taylor. '

Sheila Rone Sheila Rone selected vo-tech instructor Sheila Rone of Ethel n'CPntl) selectf:'d technical application:> instructor at the Philadelphia/Neshoba County Vocational-Technical Center, a division of East Central Communil) College in DE:'catm, announced Dr. Eddie M. Smith, College prcstdent. Prio1 to joining the vo-tech staff, Rone taught biology, anato– my and physiology and phyl'ical science al Ethel Attendance Center. She i:; a also a former biology instructor at Neshoba Central High School. She began her career as a life science teachc•r at Miller Junior High in Wa!:it Helena, Arkansas, where she later served as gifted and talent– ed science dtcovery teacher.

She has received numerous honors through the }ear in recognillon of her excellence in teaching. She is a member of APPEAR! Tabernacle Methodist Church in Attala County. She also holds LAKE ME membcn:Jhip in varioul:i profes Scan C sional organizations. ' UNION AJ School, Rone received an as!'oci-


A graduate of Rosedale lligh _____

ate degree m nursing from --- -- WINSTON Phillips County Community _ _ _ _ _ SPIRIT Of College in Helena, Ark.,_ and earned a bachelor of s<:JCnce --- -–

degree in physical education and health from Delta State UmversitV-' • i::._ l.~:.~.....J\"1'\of"'RriAo · ;_·

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