Dear Joins ECCC Nursing Facuity Dana Dear of Hickory was recently named medical– surgical instructor f the Asso–
Dear Among honors received in col– lege include her selection to Theta Beta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, Inc. and the Missis– sippi Baptist ~ursing Fellow– ship. A graduate of Caldwell High School in Columbus, Dear re– ceived an associate degree in nursing from Meridian Commu– nity College, a bachelor of sci– ence degree in nursing from the University of Mississippi, and a master of science degree in nursing at Mississippi Univer– sity for Women. Who's Who in American Col– leges ar~d !Jniversities. She was also named to Meridian Com– munity College's Circle of Ex– cellence and was the recipient of MCC's H.M. Ivy Award, pre– sented to the outstanding sophomore student. In addition, she was the college's HEAD– W AE (Higher Education Day - _.Working Toward Academic Ex– cellence) Student in 1992 and the same year received the Riley Hospital Outstanding Nursing Student Award. She is married to Talmadge Dear and they have two sons, Billy, 20, and Ben, 18.
ciate Degree NUI'SIIlS Program at East Central Gommunity
Dana Dear College m Decatur, announced Dr Eddie M Srruth College pres1dent. She previously served the college as an adJunct faculty member for the ADN program. Pnor to 1oirung the ECCC fac– ulty, Dear has been employed at Rlley ~femorial Hospital where she continues to serve as emergency room famliv nurse practitioner L'l add1h~n, she previously sened as a part– time instructor for the licensed practical nursing program at Meridian Community College. she currently holds two spe– cialty certificatios'l in nursing - in critical care (CCRN) and as a family nurse practitioner. Among honors received in- clude her selection to Who ' s Who in American Nursing. She is also a member of the Ameri- can Nurses' Association, Missis– sippi Nurses' Association,
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