WEEK OF2·~=--3~l~lEt-=-:9~--- vvan.ors. East Central added four runs in the second inning and outfielder Lee Martin of
Dia n Warriors Rout Homes and E. M.C.C.
Lake lifted the Warriors in the fourth inning with a two-out double which scored three runs.
action against East
East Centra captured a 12-4
ctory Community Goodman. Allen Buckley (1-0) College, the Warriors woo 15-5 Brandon lasted fh:e innings by the ten run grace rule. The on the mound to receive the win Warriors totaled 18 hits for the the \'\amors day, with four Warriors Ca cher Brodie Meadows of hitting home runs for the first d a t\ o-run base hit . time this season. They included • mrun.g for the pitcher Jason Willis and first O\ er Holmes in Misstssippi
Justin Neshoba .
outfielder Patrick m Clinton and
elder catcher
$l-.....,.-,aker of Forest. \'ffilis {1-1) was the ·s~~ pttcher and received e ·wm for the Warriors. He ,. ~ followed en the mound by · Da."l:) Rushing of Edinburg, Den..""US McDill of Leake Acacemy, Joey Allen of Junction Chad Champion of Tuscaloosa, Ala. The Warriors lost a 9-8 deaston Sunday afternoon in Decatur when Faulkner State .scored six runs in the ninth mrung. Buc) APPEARED I : Neshoba Central. In action this week, the Warriors face single games LAKE ','ESSE GER.___ sco CO ... TY TIMES Wednesday, March 3, against - - Lincoln Trail Community U ~ I 0 A? PEAL - - --- College at 11:30 a.m. and WI ST0 C0 UNTY J0 URN Delgado Community College at C LARJO ~L EDGER RTHAGINIAN_____ _ _ SHOBADEMOCRA)V---- - ~ONRECORD _____ _ _ .RIDIAN STAR._ ___ _ _ _ 4:30 p.~., a_t Ch~is Gay IV Memonal Fteld m Decatur. ECCC host Hinds in double- header action Saturdav. March
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