Dr. Eddie Smith to retire as ECCC president in 2000
Dr. Eddie M. Smith , pre:-ident of East Central CommuOJt) College in Decatur, announced t his resignation Tuesday during the monthly meeting of the col– lege's board of trustees. Dr. Smith, who has led h1 alma mater since 1985 -rud h plans to retire on June .30, 2000 By that time. the 56-venr-old Mississippi native wiil ha\ served almost 36 vear,.. m th field of education. - In a letter to board chamn Prentice Copeland Philadelphia, Dr. ~nuth explained his deci,..ion to retrre "has not been made in h - e and is a decision that I lx-lie'e \\ 1 be in the best intere"t of m) ww and me." He srud, ~A moq Important decision in his 01 her profi - na life is "'hen to 1( L\e a po-lt n >mployment. I knO\\ th t when ny current contT'lltt enth on Jun W. 2000, it will be ttme fir me to ' nd m) emplo) ment w th Ea t
the ay for Dr. Smith's leadership. and ead•·r After climbed 2,153 students during :te and I plan to the 1998 fall term. voork travel, Various improvements and ap.- ev"'n other additions have also been made on nture-." · . . d h d hi ·r, the Decatur campus, mcludmg e an s Wl e construction of a ·'ne\\ women's 10 th£ area and e to a:.::.ist in the dormitory ) Hall) and Student Union Building, which board member~ voted today to name m honor of Dr. Smith. Both facilities are !lcheduled to be completed for the 1999 fall term. Copeland said the search for Dr. Smith's successor "'ill begm "immediately." ........u.1''" APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_ _____ ___ UNION APPEAL - ------ --- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL._ _____ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ ___ CARTHAGINIAN___ _ --7'/,____ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_~C/7 ___ __ NEWTON RECORD_ _ _ ___ __ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER
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