WEEK OF ----Lr..:...J~)~cto.~..r c~I.J... ---!.Jr f,wlw9w?i...2g____
ECto host MACJC All· tar Classic on the Reservation Tll tat'-'' wp communtty and
Gulf coast, Todd Damels, Pea rl River; Gilbcrto Venzen, East Central; and Wylie Ktrby, Jeremy Robu1Slm ,md Marcuc; Mackey, all of Pe.HI Rtver. • Sou th wom n All-Stars are Amy Sutton and Tameka Mack, both of Hmds. Sonya McLaurin and Brandl Rogers, both of Jont:~; ChaSStl) Cubie and Clano;sa Tomlinson. both of Co– Lin Ket..ha :-.:e,lc;on, Gulf Co01:.t; Tammy Bnstcr, South \est Datishel– la Byrd, Pt>arl River, a:~d '\ cole Bar– n~tt and Jamie Floyd both ,fEast Central Game times are 6 p .m for women':. action folio" ed by the men'o:; contest at 8 p.m. For more mformalion contad Sammy J>ace, ECCC alhlehc dm!clor nnd women's basketball coach, ro Box 129, Decatur, MS 39327, Ph 635· 2111, ext 246.
Lester Owens (women) of Hmds. Chosen on the North men's squad are John Outlaw and Withe Whit– field , both ot East Miss.; McHcus Hicks And Lataryl Wilhaml:l, both of '-=orthwest; Julian Andcrl:lon, ltawamba ; Anthony Schiro. Mtss. Delta· Enc.- Jackson and Mar io Edwards, both of Holme...; T1m Cole and Antome Wt lkerl.On, both of ~ortheast; and ~tal'CU!> Metcalf. Coa· homa. ~orth women AU-Star!> are :-.:tcoll" Dang and Tammy 1 owru.cl. b<1th of East ~fiss .; Vanessa Coffey and Evette \filam, both of l orthwest; ~ancy Hooks, ltcJwamb<~; Anita Johnson, ?1.1iss Delta, Emtly Parks, Holmes; Tiffany Sitton, Sophta Frtar and Natalie Smith, all of Northeast, and Michelle Shaw, Coolhoma. Named to South men's squad are Jamil Gilleylen, Hinds; Nick Cherry. jones; jimmy Walton, Co-Ltn; Adrf– ane Floyd and Mike Fairley, both of
juntor Cl111{'g\.' bar.kctball player.., will hm' ca"(' thear talt;>11 h on April 2 \\hen the annual MACJC AII-StaJ" Cia lc .... held .11 Chocta\\ Cen tral Ht •h :school nl••u Phtladt!lphta Th•~ yc r's event b bemg held tor the fir5t time on the Chocta\' Rescn-ation nd t bemg ho:.kd b\ the \1ts... iss•~ pi Band of Chcx-taw Indians and Eac;t Ce ntral Community College m o, atur. The two-day event also include:. a wachc,.' cltmc featunng \ an Chan– cellllr head coach of the defending \-\ NBA champ1on Houston Comets, and Wtmp Sanderson, head men's basketball coach at Arkansas-Little Rock. Selected to coach the North All– Stars are Todd Kimble (men) and La rry The rre ll (worne n), both of Holmes Community College. Diiect– inK the South All-Stars are Bob Weilthcrs (men) of Gulf Coast and
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