ECCC arrior basket· ball teams humble Holmes
fr hm.m Dl•mondo Mingo of Choctaw Ccntr.11 l~d tht• Warriors ' 1th I pl,llll~ Also c;coring were D mel!" jllhn.,on of Dm.lge County, Gcorg1a 12· Gllb<•rto Vt•n7en, also of Dodge Count). II, Brtan Hillie of N \\ton. 10, l omnto P one. Delta led 38-37 at half-time APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER.______________ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES.____ ..!______ UNION APPEAL _ _____ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ CLARION-LEDGER_____ __ CARTHAGINIAN,______ _ NESHOBADEMOCRAT________ NE~ONRECORD ____________ MERIDIAN STAR________
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