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Busch Grand Nat ona Se 100,atLoudon NH Noon NBC - NBA B ket~ doubleheader con! net game 3 and game 4 12:30 p m. TNN - NASCAR A I Busch Grand Nat ona Ser Grand National 200 at Lo 1:20pm. WGN ~ Major LeaguE San Franc1sco at Ch1cago C 2p.m. CBS 'CBS Spectacular.'' PBA Bowhng Bowhng Congress Masterl Nev 2:35p.m. TBS - NASCAR Craftsman Truck S.er~es. ~ 200. at Monroe, La 3p.m. ABC - Thoroughbrt The Pimllco Special at Bal Illinois Derby at C1cero. Ill CBS - PGA Gotf I Classic. th1rd round at Dul\ ESPN2 - M JO LeaiJ! Columbus at Moam 4p.m ESPN - Sen or PGA; Home Depot lnvltallona round at Charlotte N C 5p.m. ESPN2 - Thoroughb • 2Day at the Races Stakes. at LOUISV le Ky Hand1cap at JamaiCa N Horsch Jacobs StaKes at (!Ne and same-day tape 6:05p.m TBS - MaJor League San D ego at Atlanta 6:30p.m ESPN - NHL Hock conference sem1flnals gan' TBA 7p.m. WPtX - Major Leagu1 NY. Yankees at M1nnoso1 8p.m. FX - Major League Toronto at Seattle TNT - NBA Basketb, conference semihnals, gun TBA 9:15p.m. HBO - Boxong. cham! ~~s~lt (~6-0;2Lv~ ~ohn J
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Dolphin! By Murray Coleman The Mend1an Star The Delgado (La.)
15 19 441
Montreal Florida
12 21 .364 12 23 .343
13 19 .406 11''2
Central OMslon W
Central DMslon W
L Pet.
L Pet.
20 13 606 19 13 594 18 15 545 17 17 .500 17 17 .500 15 19 441 23 11 676 18 16 .529 17 17 500 16 19 457 8 27 229 L Pet.
Houston Milwaukee Choca.go Cincinnati St.Louis Pittsburgh
20 13 606 14 20 412 13 19 .406 13 20 .394 9 21 .300
Ctevetand Kansas Ctty Chicago Minnesota Detroot
Y.r 2
6~ 6'-'2
3Y.r 3~ 5'h
West DiVIsion W
WeatDMsion W
[ ( E • natec ( Oetl [
L Pet.
Community College Dolphins literally stole Friday's Region 23 Baseball Tournament contest, slipping past East Central Community College, 6-4. With the score tied in the eighth inning, Delgado's coach– ing ::;t.aff noticed a little quirk in the Warriors' defense. Tharun Anderson, who wa~ batting with no outs and run– ner.... at fir:;t ba...e and :-econd base faked a bunt and ECCC'"' third baseman charged hard tc"' ~.! the plate. · ~ n the --econd pitch. we fa.:tt... a bunt a!!ain and ran a double "'teal," .. aid Dolphin· head coach Joe Scheuermann. The play cau~ht ECCC deren~e oft guaro. When the Warrior~· catcher tned to respond by throwin~ to £nag the runner beading to th1rd ba-e. the throw went into the outfield A surpn'ed left fielder fumbled the relay and courte .... y runner Rya McCoy, runmng for catcher Ryan Fr anatovich, who had reached base on an error, raced home. That was all t he Dolphins (34- 15) need ed to advance.
San Diego San Franc1sco Los Angeles Colorado Arizona
20 13 .606 18 15 .545 17 17 .500 14 19 .424
Texas Anaheim Seattle Oakland
6 7'h 15'h
2 3'h 6
Friday's Games Chicago Cubs 5. San Francisco 4, 14 innings Colorado 7, Montreal5 Cincmnatl 5, Pittsburgh 3, 10 innings Florida 12. Los Angeles 6 San Diego 3, Atlanta 2 • San Francosco (Darwin 2-2 and Estes2-4) at Chocago Cubs (Tapano 4·1 and Gonzalez 2-3). 2. 12·05 p m St. Louis (Petkovsek 2-1) at NY Mets (Leoter 3-1), 12:40 p m Colorado (Thomson 2-2) at Montreal (Moore 1-4) 6·05 p m. Anzona (Suppan 0-3) at Photadelph1a {Nye Q-0) 6.05 p m Los Angeles (Nomo 2-3) at Ftonda (lark1n 1-2). 6:05pm. C1ncinnati (Wonchester 1-0) at Pit1SbUrgh (Silva 2-3). 6.05 p.m. San D1ego (Hitchcock 1-0) at Atlanta (Millwood 4-1). 6·10 p.m Houston (Schourek 0-0) at Milwaukee (Eldred 0-1 ). 7:05p.m. Sunday's Games Los Angeles at Floroda, 12 05 p.m. i>an Diego at Atlanta. 12·10 p.m. Colorado at Montreal, 12:35 p.m. Arizona at Philadelphia. 12:35 p.m. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh. 12:35 p.m. Sl LOUIS at N.Y. Mats, 12·40 p.m Houston at Milwaukee, 1:05 p.m. San Francisco at Chicago Cubs, Philadelphia 6, Arizona 4 N.Y Mets 9. St Louos 2 Milwaukee 4 Houston 1 saturday's Games
Frtday's Games Baltomore 8. Tampa Bay 2 Boston 14, Kansas City 3 N.Y. Yankees 5, Minnesota 1
Texas 6, Cleveland 3 Anaheim 5, Detroit 3 Seattle B. Toronto 3 Chicago White Sox 5 Oakland 3 saturday's Games Chicago Whole Sox {Bare 1-3) at Oakland (Rogers 5-1). 3:05p.m. Baltomore (Mussma 3-2) at Tampa Bay (Sponger 1-4) 5:35pm. Boston (Martmez 3-0) at Kansas C1ty (Belcher 1-4). 7:05p.m N Y Yankees (Pettltfe 5-2) at M1nnesota (Morgan 0-1), 7:05p.m. Cleveland (Nagy 3·1) at Texas (Ohver 1-4), 7:35pm. Toronto (Hentgen 3-3) at Seattle (Sw1112-1). 8:05p.m. Detroit (Castillo 0-1} at Anaheim (Finley 4-0), 9:05 p.m. Sunday's Games
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Baltimore at Tampa Bay, 12:35 p.m. Boston at Kansas City. 1:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Mmnesota, 1·05
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Chicago White Sox at Oakland,
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Toronto at Seattle, 3:35p.m. ()eveland at Texas, 7:05p.m. Detro1t at Anaheim, 7:05 p.m.
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