'.~ast Central exceeds expectations, \ three weeks with a sore arm. ftr Lee Baker ~Ct:lrlon-Ledger Steff Writer JUNIOR COLLEGES '~'East 'Central for the "i:iome~i sit:S' ·· riors_are 24-17 but toughened into a betler team than expected

"Our pitching has I>N·n a pleasant ·sllri>rise, hut the hittin~t hos not bccri what we've ha d from l':o!ll Control teams in years past," Clurk sflid.

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• ~'~I sure d idnYexpect ~o be f2-6 af– ter losing both catchers, t he infield, two outfielders and t he OH, plu s two sta.rting pitchers and our clos– e r ," h e said. "Ou r program h as grown for 11 st~aight years, but this t ime I expected a real tough year." East Cenlral starts freshmen at CHlcher, firs t base, th ird base, left. fidel and dt•signatrd hiller with four H<>phomon• rPlurnccs. 'l'lw t op p ilclwrs nn• sophomore Dun C:n•II!U'tl uf Lnk(·, 8 -1, and f11 '"""'" .lm""' Wtll uc of' Philadcl.– pllln, li •J 'l'ht• luiiN 111 11 fi11>l base- 1111111 wl11'll 11111 ptl r hilil{ ond has 111111 ' ""'" "'"" tu dulc•. · ' l l11 p11111111Y t lwwr 18 fres hman I lu k ' I'Y"'"'"' ,lwll''lhoro, Ark., 2-1 \V~~ 1!. iir,vnll 11 "~'1 cl~,pi lf, pj'ss,i!lg. ;

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.11top Sout h Divis ion baseball. The be the best in the state association," Warriors al ·12-6 are a game up on he said. "They've got everything you GulfCoasl (13-7) and lwoon Copiah- could want for a great team. Happily Lincoln ( 10-8), closely chased by we swept them here, which is the dif– 'Hinds (J 0-10) and Pearl River (9-11). ference in our standing. "W ith everything still left, we 77-6 in nine innings and 2-1 in seven could finish anywhere from first to j nnings to put us where we are," sixth in t he South." 'East Central coach Jamie Clark East Central, along with Gulf said, "but Saturday we've got Gulf Coast, has clinched a spot in llw H.r .Coast. comi ng in, wh ic h swept u s gion 2~ Divis ion I playofTs, hut <•v down there, 7-2 and 3 2. erylhi ng remain s widt• opt•n for "'11llll could he o showdown to sec stale phtyofTbcrlh s. who I http)ll'l1!1, hut httwt·vt•r Lhnl lUnl!l Clark, now in h i11 I II h tuotuwu out, lluw'11 t~lill tt ltlllJPYIIV lt11:u, with lt•tulinr.tlw Wnrrim11,11 yt•tHunu luu l Pt·ml Htvt·r WllllllJI 111 lli'J!I Wt'

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leads South by 1



more for t he state champion Wila~: cats.... Hoimes cross countrymeri:s-:


Bits and piece!~ · teammoved up to' second rlatioiuil.l)!: S toll' junior college basketba ll from third a year earlier as NJCM.· t'C>OCh o f lh e year honors went to Academic T eam of the Year witiWc· Steve Hull of East among the men grade point average of 3.20. Four : . ·· -· -

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Taylor assumoe eludes and Ricky Ford ofNortheast among Holmes runn ers gained Acade~to. Scooter Taylur, ·•n, I •"' '" owr ns t.hc women.... Holmes basketball All-America honors- Donnie Bur~ men's bask(•lhulln•· u~ h 111 MiH!Iis- coach ToddKimble,aftersigning6- dine 4.00 and Daniel Johnsen 3.00 sippi Dc ltu fr ont luuf lllrtt• lt•rHI(•r foot.-5, 215-pound forward Quincy men, Jennie Watkins 3.87 and Ao·: J oh n Vit·kiorll 'I'""'"'' ""'''" frum HawkinsofCanton ,said"Withhis gieMcDonald 3.78women.... staro: Ron'',. S t 11 t'' I ' I ' 11 I ' ' "' • 111111 n , s ize, body and quickness, I knew men's and women's tennis touma~ Tt•llll ' wlu II '" I I ol(l jrll 1111 11'4!\iA Quincy was a player from our dis- ments run today through Sunday al 111111 '"'"' I' I'I'IJ I I•J l'!ll\-1\.IIIDiy wn!l nn lrictwe had to have." Hawkins aver- Tupelo, while the golfstate and RCJ ,.,.~ •· 1 111I.Y-tl lt 11111 Jllnriilr• I kat hdot:N aged 11.6 points and 9.7 rebounds gion 23 tourn amen t will be nell I.. uf tit•• ( 'uulttu ul .,J lli•~!l• IJ,,,IJ A11so la s t. season at Canton High.... · Tuesday a nd Wednesday at Hinds ' . t' tllllllll r1111lu •·llulritl, f• IIMiunt ot Norlhcos l Louis iana basketball Eagle Ridge Country Club in Ray: C'inctlllllllt 'l'~tv· lut col11 u lv 1111 tlw ('Ont•h Mik11Vining gigncd lwo-time mond ... Forrest County AHS fi rst' Moorhead cum puN 1t. '"" illf(, Muid lw All Itt ~:in n 2:1 poi nt ({liArd Todd baseman Christ.ina Annette Lee of plans to "1~l'l tiJIIIt ll l tlu• nlluollcHtr i11 l)uuiPII4 ol p,.,.r) Hi w r 'l'hdi 9 Jl-ox- Wiggins and pitcher Charmaine AI-t a hurry and J)r\"ltdull• "" II , II wu lt11vc• w.111 It nult w ""' mw ·cl IIi poinl s, 9 CXllnCiriAWillis ofHtllti esburgsit,rnt.>cl , t~ at~let.es. I lw 1 ~tt~lu ,, "'l ~:, 1 tpd oo ""' ".''" ..... l it ,. ho"' "~" !lll' ·~c..,vtw"r ';tit h the $carl River softball team, , • ' I " I I l I ¢ d It • ' t ... . 1 I I I I r ' l I 7 I It t + elJ,

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