WEEK OF __ ~------------
ATfEND ECCC CLASS REUNIO ' - Abo" e are members of the 1945-46 and 1946-47 women's basketball team at East Central Gommunitv College who attended reunion acthities held October 10 as part of the Homecoming '98 celebration. Seated from left are Frances Aycock Johnson, Decatur, and Mary Arm Tabor Sessio~, long Beach. Standing hom l eft are Imogene Johnson Borganelh, Greenville; Eloise Rea Stokes 1 Philadelphia; Ann Leech Procter, Arlington, Tennessee; and Kathryn Ree,ves Walter, NeYOton. (ECCC Photo) ,
A1TEND ECCC CLASS REUNION - Above are members of the Class of 1968 at East Central Community College who attended reunion activities h ...eld October 10 as part of the Homecoming '98 celebration. Seated from left are Gary Ann Moore and Cornelia Grimes, both of Carthage; and APPEARED IN: R"'verly Hollingsworth, Forest. Standing from left are Ike Latimer, Philadelphia; Billy Ganann, LAKE MESSE~ r 1 Uinsville; Sandy Keenan, Bay Springs; Sandra Amis, Conehatta; aqd Dana Roby Moore, Ocean .!1gs. (ECCC Photo) - - SCOTT COUNTY TIMt:~ 1'4t:i:)nVcl"\ ut:IVIU\Jf'(A I _ _ _ ___ UNION APPEAL NEWTON RECORD___ ___ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL MERIDIAN STAR._ _____ CLARION-LEDGER____ _ _ _
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