WEEKOF __ ~\t~~ --~~~ ~------
EC to hoi ' Arts andHumanities' activities
by Opera News magazine, and he has received rave reviews by major American critics. He is a former student of interna– tionally acclaimed soprano, Phyliss Curtin, and has performed under such conductors as Andre Previn, Sarah Caldwell, Seiji Ozawa and I eonard Bernstein. On two occasions he was selected to participate in the Berkslure Summer Music Festival at Tanglewood, Massachusetts. At the age of 25, Price made his operatic debut with the Opera Company of Boston. Prtce has performed with the Boston S} mphony Orchestra and was featured soloist at the Dallas Lyric Opera, Tanglewood Festival, Shrevt:port Opera, Opera New Eng– land, tlw San Antoruo Festival, Mis– si%ippi 9pera and the Austin Lyric Opera. For the pa~l three seasons he has bN'n the knor solo1~t w1th the Mls– sbs1ppi Symphon} in Messiah, a work he has performed in whole or part over 40 times. Upcoming per– forman~~: mclude a guest appearance With the ~lbsissippi Symphony in jackson on December 4, and he will be the featured tenor soloist for the East Central Community College presentallon of Mess1ah on Decem– ber 8. He 1s al~o scheduled to per– form for a Communitv Arts recital in Fore"t on january 10 and will be the featured solm:.t m the performance of llaydn'" "Creabon' with the Mn,– ~issippi Symphon} at Mi:,,i~~ippi College m March A graduate oi Unum High Sdlool, Pnce attended East c~ ntral Jumor college and received a bachelor' degree in church music and a rna • ter's degrl•e 10 vocal performance from ~tis~bsippi Colleg~. where he tudJE~d \\ ith Gert1ld Claxton. A~ pre- ) menllon,•d, Price has com-
pleted additional coursework at Bo~ton University He IS married to the former Stepharue Moore of Kosciusko and the) have a son, Will. Wilkinson, in addition to her teaching duties, ::.enes as accompa– rust for the College's concert cho1r and spring musical presentations. She has also performed m man} con– certs and recitab and currently serves as accompanist for Poplar Springs Method1,t Church m ~teridi an and frequen. , 1 r the Meridian Little Theatre St e "as chosen ECCC's "Academic Instructor of the Year" for 199H. A graduat,• of Forest High School, Wilkinson attended East Central Junior College and received bache– lor's and master's degrees in mus1c education from Mississippi State Universit} She has completed fur– ther studies at the Univers1ty of Southern Mississippi. She is married to Keith Wilkin– son, a simulator I flight instructor at the Naval Air Station in \1eridian. They have a daughter, Kirstin. Former Misstssippi governor Wtlliam Winter Will introduce the program followed by Dr. Jerry Ward of Tougaloo College who will db– cuss Vickers' writings. At the conclu– sion of the program, Carol Shack– elford of the ECCC Enghsh faculty will critique the program (This program is hnancaally as~1stcd by the Nahonal Endo~ meru for the Humanihes through the li~ sissippi Humamtle~ CounCil The views expressed herem do not nece:– sanly represent those of the Mu.:. - 'lppi Human1t1e:- Counc1l or the National F.ndO\\ ment tor the Humamties)
an annual recog Sl)(JnSOrErl by the ~tissis~ippi ol The Council
pend for the award ad:libon to recognizing the wm!tor 1ssue ot
Focus on Humaruties The ECCC program "'ill include the presenta on of " Beyond the Rainbcn\ a cycle of poems by Ovid Vickers retired from full-hmt• tea~ d a~ East Central Com- mumt) C _ m 1995. Vickers, a publbhed poet. .treelance \vriter and recognized rer and :>peakcr in the field of l\ill read six of h1s
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