WEEK OF / 0 - ~--? .. East Central homecomingactivities to

duction video company. Wilkinson, keyboard instructor, began teaching at the College in 1985 after having taught public school music in the Newton County school system for. two years. She was employed at East Central for eight years before mov ing to Conroe, Texas, where she taught fifth and sixth grade music at Creighton Inter– mediate School. She and her family returned to Mississippi in 1996 and she was rehired at the College. In addition to her most recent honor, Wilkinson was also selected for the annual Lamplighter program in 1997, which recognizes the state's outstanding community and junior college instructors. She was recently chosen to judge a competition for the Alabama Music Teachers Association. Wilkinson has served as an accompa– nist for numerous recitals, choirs and various receptions. She has been the pianist for Poplar Springs Drive Methodist Church for eight years and has served as pit accompanist for Meridian Little Theatre production for almost four years. A graduate of Forest High School, Wilkinson holds bachelor's and mas– ter's degrees in music education from Mississippi State University. She has completed additional course work at ECCC and the University of Southern Mississ1ppi. She is married to Keith Wilkinson, a simulator I flight instructor at the 1 aval Air Station in Meridian. They have a daughter, Kirstin Lee, age four. Sessums, a former standout at Morton High School, was a four-sport letterman at East Central, excelling in football, basketball, baseball and track during the 1946-47 and 1947-48 col– lege terms. He was an All·State selec– tion as tailback his freshman season and received All-State honors both years as a forward on the Warnor basketball team. ln addition, he won first place in the 100-and 200 yard dash and the 220-yard low hurdl~ in the state track meet lus sophomore season. At the end of tht: •Q..ts-46 !

Sessums continued his athletic career at Mississippi College, where he was a first team All Dixie Confer– ence selection in football and basket– ball. He also served as basketball team captam. In add1hon, he again excelled in track, winning top honors in the 100-and 220-yard low hurdles in the Dixie Conference track. meet. He set a new record in the low hur– dles which remained until the confer– ence was abolished. Following graduation from MC in 1950, Sessums began a successful career as a teacher, coach and school adnunistrator. He served one year as teacher I coach at Ethel High School before movmg on to Drew High School where his football teams won the Delta Valley Conference title three of the four years he led the program. His basketball and track teams also captured conference championships. During this period Sessums received "Coach of the Year" honors. He late~ served two years as principal at Magee High School before assuming the same duties at Prentiss High School from 1957-67. He left the field of education to become per:.onnel director and later plant manager at MisMssippi Indus– tries for the Blind, where he was employed until 1972. At this time he began his career w1th the \1iss. Department of Education that contin– ued until his retirement in 1990. While serving w1th the education department, Sessums '"'as elected to the Public Employee-. Retirement board, sen•mg a Six-year term He also served as Board pres1dent for two years. Through the year-. Ses,urru ha" mamtamed h1s love of 'porb b) otn– ciating football game~ from 195; 1990 and ba~ketball ront~-t; f r three years dunn):; that period Ht> current– ly serves as secretary o• the ~~i!SS~ p1 Football OiftcJals A"

endin,g in I ~, • :., add ':1CX1 a 5::'ecial cer~mony is scheduled ~....m morning to offi– a ally Fcn:nd~T$· Gymnasi–

:-al:Ud m E~30 and still ~ a.."ld other acti\i– na.~ Ill tribute fran" 1m "Frank" 1m• McDonald IDa."\) o:hers who


m e~tabhshing roo; College in

?i College Sports Hall of '~. is a former national .:he MC Alumni Associa– ed a major role m help– ds to construct the col· otball stadium

ing rai-;e lege's ne\\ In .add degree fro:

lor's dt--gro -rom MC, Se<--.ullb holds a master' "gtee in school adnuni~· !ration and n educationa, :.pt:Oah~t degre:- from the University of South– t.'rn M1~S1 ippi. He has completed addmonal course work at Mississippi College He I!> 'Tied to the former Mari· on Mor "' of Heidelbe rg, who recent!) retired following a 31-year cnreer m the neld of educahon. They ha\ e t' ~TO\\ n children Dr Howard i5SUffi.;, Jr.. a fanuly ph}~~· oan m \ d:sburg. and Dr Cathy Xs· sum, an B GY;\; tn Hattte~burg Dr H :d. ::-e-;sums , marned t( the ;a Carter of Greenwooc ~ thret? Hi.ldoo Dl


E:.-:...e:- >:e a 1 53 ECCC ..:raduate, ser ~ as ct.a~;::n.arl a."tG chief execu– th e 1:::.ce: • Chxta" Maid Inc. in Car.haze Untie· Ethe:=.d:::e'.. Jeader– sh•p Choct•w ta.IJ farms has gro• -n nom ~:s lm:::-.h1e ~l:l!UUI\gs m the 1950' to ooe of the nation's lead– ing poul!::j• cc...~'"lr' b addition to the proce"l."g ;-.ant and headquar– ters m Cartha.:e the co:npan) oper– ates tacJhtJes tn forest, Crystal Sprmgs Pelaha:due l:-.10n, Walnut Grove and • ewum. Etheridge's expertiSe m the pouJ– try busint"'" I" wtdely ..-e..-oQl!Zed, as he serves as ci-.aL-man a."ld duef exec– utive officer oi se\eral corporations, all of which are em~aged m the pro– duction. processm;: a.'"ld marketmg of poultry and poultry-related products. He has abo se.'"\·ed as an officer or board member of ~-era! other corpo– rations ID\'Olnng msurance laborato– ries, protem com ei:>IOn, real estate and enVU"onmemal ~nices.

where his du~ mdu trammg and e\ a1uattn add1tion to as~ ?Ull£ them He ha... SO!ned the

v ...QCRAT ------- NEWTO RECORD______ MERIDIAN STAR_______


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