ECCC Announces '98 Homecoming Honorees
Rec1pients of various honors to be presented during East Central Commtmity College's annual Homecoming celebration were recently announced by Sandra Anus of Conehatta, president of the College's Alumni Association. This vear's observance, with the theme Celebrate in '98" w i 11 be held Saturday, October 10, on the Decatur campus. Honorees include T. H. (Tam) Etheridge, chairman and chief executive officer of Choctaw Maid Farms, Inc. in Carthage, Alumnus of the Year; Nell Allen Rogers, planner and congressional liaison for the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Alumna of the Year; Leesa Wilkinson, keyboard instructor, Academic instructor of the Year; and Conrad Germany, collision repair technology instructor, Vocat iona1-Technical Instructor ot" tire Year. Also being recognized are th:ee mductees into the College':. Athletic Hall of Fame, v.ho include Van Chancellor, head coach/general manager of the WNBA Houston Comets; Deborah Norwood Duncan, teacher I coach at Neshoba Central High School in Philadelphia; and Howard Sessums of Clinton, retired director of persoru1el for the Mississippi Department of Education. Rewlion croups beins honored and 19-16-17 women's basketball teams. Special "diplomas" will be presented to members of the _ 1948 class in recognition of their golden anniversary. Former band members are also invited to attend and participate in the annual "Alumni Band" performance during half-time ceremonies of the ECCC-Hinds football game. Former ECCC athletes and supporters of the
been named in tribute to Dr. Benjamin Franklin "Frank" Hunter, James "Jim" McDonald Thames and the many other individuals who were instrumental in the establishment of East Central Jtmior College in 1928. Other. activities include a cookout scheduled at 6;30 p.m. Friday, October 9, at Turkey Creek Water Park for members of 1957, 1958 and 1959 classes. For more information class members should contact Martha Kate (Tullos} Hummel, Rt. 1, Box 180, Greenwood, MS 38930- 9643, Ph 455-6384, or Carol (Farish) Vickers in Decatur, Ph 635-2949. Also planned are the annual alumni/student golf and teru1is tournaments. Tennis competition is slated October 5- 8 followed by a nine-hole golf tournament on October 9. For more information regarding Homecoming '98 contact the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, East Central Community College, P. 0. Box 129, Decatur, Miss. 39327, or phone toll ~free, 1-877-G0-2- ECCC, ext. 323.
Prior to the various reunion group meetings, a ceremony is scheduled to offic1ally dedicate ''Founder's Gym." Constructed in 1930 and still used for intramural and other .. activities, tl'c old gym has
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