
.~ ~! ECCC Alumni Association Board Ian ECCC hom·ecoming Plan-. for this year's homecoming celebration were among item' di~cu\-;ed by the East Central Community College Alumm Association Board which recently met on the Decatur campus. The 198 observance is scheduled Saturday, Oct. 10. Board members include Steve Quinn of Louisville, Winston County representative; Laura Min g of Louisville, ECCC student body president fo r 1998-99; Sandra Amis of Conehatte, Alumnt Association pre ident; Kay Lucas of Newton. past president; Ann Burkes ECCC head librarian and homecoming co -chairperson; and (standing) Larry Hogue, ECCC di rector of development and alumni rela lt ons; James Vance of Meridian. out-of- distri ct representative; Chris Collin1. of Un ton. Newton Co unty representative; Di ck Livingston of Pulaski, Scon County representative; and ECCC officials Dr. Eddie M. Smi t h. pre ident, and Dr. Phil Sutphin, dean of instructi on.


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