Fi rst Lady backs ECCC beautification through Louis XVI in the "Splendors of By Jimmy Andrews Versailles'" exhibit coming to Jackson The Merid1an Star in April. DECATUR- East Central Com- ~we want highways, college cam- munity College's Decatur campus is puses. businesses, and front yards to about to become more attractive. be decorated with beautiful yellow said Gurry. "I am glad to see ECCC is doing that, which fits right into Mrs. Fordice's plan. The long term effect of "Splendor s of Versailles" is that the wildflowers will come back again and again."
In connection \.\ith Pat Fordice':; wildflowers and bedding plants," statewide beautification and clean-up Fordice explained. "We chose yellow project, ECCC will follow the F1rst for the ·sun King' Louis XV, and the Lady's plan to plant yellow wild flow- Department of Transportation agreed ers around the campus. Fordice was to plant \rildflowers at 17 entrances on hand at a luncheon at ECCC on into the state. They've already planted Friday to discuss details of the project. 50 acres in seeds throughout the New- "Company is coming to 'Mississippi ton District, along the rou te of the in 1998," Fordice told ECCC staff Welcoming Center on I-20 and near members. "We need the college's help the Meridian Airport." · to make this a memorable occasion.~ Also on hand at ECCC were brother Fordice said the "Palaces of St. and sister alumni Rev. J ane Todd Petersburg" exhibit in Jackson in 1996 Gurry and Dr. Joseph Todd. Both grew was the first step in an effort to show- up near the ECCC campus and have case Mississippi as an international gone on to promote environmental art center. A second step in that effort issues is the display of royal treasures from "We wondered if there was a way to
"My dad believed everybody should be a farmer," Todd told the luncheon gathering. "Things are entir ely differ– ent now from what they wer e then. E r osion has been turned around because there used to be nothing but red clay across the hills." Fordice said the "Palaces of St. Petersburg" exhibit was rated as the number one event in the state in 1996, and she expect s"Splendors of Ver– sailles" to top that. "We had 554,000 visitors at the exhibit," she said. "We know that those visitors did not just stay in the Jackson area, they traveled around
begin a project to bring tr~_b_a_c_k_,"_ ... s ... e ... e._E;;;;;;..;;;C..;:C~..!!age 6A
the reigns of French kings Louis XIV
of litter strewn throughout the state, saying, "I don't know where we've gone wrong on lit– tering, but if our children, aren't going to get it at home, then we have to give it to them in school. We have t.o work on our litter problem." The "Splendors of Versailles" exhibit will run from April 1- August 31.
Continued from page 1A the state. We want them to come into Mississippi this spring and say, 'Wow!' So we are asking everyone to plant yellow blooms everywhere." Fordice concluded her remarks by noting the amount
George Clark/The Meridian Star ECCC VISIT - Mississippi First Lady Pat Fordice is welcomed to the ECCC campus by college President Dr. ~ddie. Smith, right, and Larry Hogue, director of development and alumm relat1ons.
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