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Winston Co. native endows scholarship \Vinston Countv n.ath·e

Elgie WiJk, Chnth.am, who now re,ide" in Meridian, ha:; endowed a ,cholar,hip at Ea-..t Central Communitv College in memory of he.r parent:-.. · ~The J. Earl Wilks and

Willie tPalmer) Wilks Schol– ar,hip. called the W. 'ks– Palmer Scholar:. Program, is a fitting tribute to a couple who reared six children through the Great Depres– ,Jon." ,aid Dr . Edd ie l\1. Chatham ~mith, president of ECCC. -.-\.:: of their children .1re graduate of emor college,. and uni·:ersn~e,. and leading produc– tive lh·e.- in their respective :;tate and citie:-." Chatham', P.· !'en:.- lh·ed 1 th L berly Commum:y in \\tnston Count) m than 25 year~ before mo,·ing to Mer d1an here college factlitte, were available Prior o her marnage, Mr:-. Wilks taught 1 h eer chool:, of Win,..ton County, '~hen a one-room building, housing grade:s one through eighth, "ns the norm - as ~"as a four-month chool tcnn A 1934 graduate of ~oxapater Htgh School in 1934, Chatham graduated from East Central in 1936, and from 1\lissis– ~ippi University for Women in 1938 She also earned a master's degree from the Univer::oity of Southern Mississippi and an Ed.S. from Mississippi State Univer~ity, : Two of Chatham's s1~ter~ also are gradu– ates of ECCC. Melba Wilks Chesney of 1\lerid- • ian, Class of '41, later graduated from USM; .; and Doris Wilks Tissue of Pittsburgh, Class of: '39, finished at The 'W." : The first Wilks-Palmer Scholars, to be• awarded for the first semester of the freshman: year, will be announced in the spring of 1999. Scholarship amount will be detet·mined by the earnings from the endowment. Interested students should apply to the Col– lege Scholarship Committee. Requirements for! eligibility will include: graduation from a Win-: ston County high school; evidence of u "burn-– ing desire" to attend col]J!ge; and a minimum· 2.5 or C-plus high school gradt> point average.

APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER______ ~ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES__ ~ Other criteria being equal, preference will be given to the resident of the Liberty Com– munity in Winston County, where 30 honorees are buried. UNION APPEAL __________ ~==~----------------~

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