EC Warriors off to 'easy' 5-0 start By MARTY STAMPER Democrat Sports Editor The Warriors and Lady Damien Perkins led • EC men 72, BishoJ Holmes, i-2, with 20. State 62: The Warriors pull • EC wom en 88, B ishop
Charissa Williams scored 13, Denise Chapman and LaShan– ;.a Lyle both had seven, and onya Pinks ton a dded five >Oints. Jennifer King led Holmes with 21. • EC men 90, Holmes 69: Choctaw Central grad Keith Bell scored 22 points to lead the Warriors to the Nov. 10 win in Decatur. EC led the Bulldogs 33-24 at halftime in improving to 3-1. Ken Russell tossed in 19 points for the Warriors. Court– ney .J •nes added 13, Demando ~lin~o bad 11, Ray Waddell and Otis Wallace both had eight. and Jarvis Booth scored -.x.
out to a 40-27 h alftime lea S tate 77: Sliar ae Brown of and held on to take ThursdaJ Scott Central scored 27 points win in Decatur. to lead EC to Thursday's win The Warriors also rece - in Decatur. · a forfeit fr om Shelton C:·::. • EC led by a slim 42-41 mar- earlier in the day for pla~'l-; gin at halftime before outscor- pair of ineligible players n • ing Bishop 46-36 over the sec- season opening Jones Tourru ond 20 minutes. ment to improve to 5-0. Wendy Mapp had 15 points Ken Russell of )1. to fo r the 4-1 Lady Warriors County led EC with 23 r' m– while Krystal Courtney scored Demando Mingo scored lt 12, Felisha Temple had 11, Keith Bell had nine. Counm Sonya Pinkston tossed in eight, Jones scored eight, Ray Wa and Denis.e Chapman added dell and Lamond Bowie bo five. bad seven, and Otis Walla Marian Tucker led Bishop added six. with 13 while Letitia Cooper Michael Tucker scored and Kristie Reed both had 12. points to lead Bishop. Nt::)MUI:SA UtMOCRAT v ""~~~ NE~ONRECORD ___________ MERIDIAN STAR._______
Warriors of East Central Com– munity College both had a pair of homecourt wins last week. The Lady War-~
riors Improved to 4- 1 while the Warriors upped their record to 5-0 as they also
had an earlier loss to Shelton State of Tu catoosa. Ala .. rever ed due to a forfeit for using ineligible players. • EC women 72, Holmes 70: The Lady Warr~ors improved to 3-1 on . ·ov. 10 in Decatur. The game \HlS tied 2/-27 at halftime. Wendy Mapp of Tewton
County scored 21 pomts to leac---- - -----– EC. S h a r ae Brown had 1" JOURNAL___ CLARION-LEDGER_______
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