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Students, teachers to be honored at HEADWAE
On March 19, the Mississippi Legislature will honor outstand– ing students and faculty mem– bers from the state's institutions of higher learning at the sev– enth annual Higher Education Appreciation Day-Working for Academic Excellence program. The HEADW AE program was initiated in 1988 to honor indi– vi dual academic achievement and the overall contribution by the state's public and private institutions ofhigher learning. The honorees will attend a
At MCC, he served as presi– dent of MCC's Phi Theta Kappa chapter, be was a member of the Academic Scholars Bowl Team
of education. In addition to her classroom duties, Baucum previously served two terms as a member of the Decatur Board of Alder– man and has held membership in various clubs and organiza– tions. She helped implement the DARE program in the Newton ~ounty schools. Her professional affiliations include membership in Phi Theta Kappa, Lamda Iota Tau and the U}ssissippi Council of Teachers of English, an organi– zation she formerly served as president. Baucum holds an associate of arts degree in liberal arts from ECCC, bachelor's and master's degrees in English from the Uni- versity of Southern Mississippi
and was public– ity chairman for the Organi– zation of Stu– dent Nurses. Evans , who
bas been a social science instructor at MCC for 30 years, said that L...__
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luncheon with legislators on this day. In addition , a booklet will be published fea– turing bio– graphic al sketches and photographs of each honoree.
receiving the Evans award was "a surprise ... 1 feel honored." HEADWAE is just one of the many awards Eva ns has received. He earned the student government spiri t award, MCCer of th~ Month, Phi Theta Kappa Teacher Excellence Award and was tapped for the National Council for Geographic Education Outstanding Teacher Award. A graduate of East Mississip– pi Junior College, Mississippi Southern College and the Uni– versity of Southern Mississippi, Evans bas served as secretary for Phi Delta Kappa and is past president of the Mississippi, Council for Geographic Educa– tion. He is affiliated with the Mississippi Historical Society and the National Council for History Education. English
and an educa– tion specialist degree in sec– ondary English from Mississip- IJ.JJliiii pi State Uni– versity. Anthony, a President's List scholar major– ing in chemical engineering, Anthony has maintained
Both Merid- Rl
ian Communi- ley ty College and East Central Community College will be sending honorees to the pro– gram. MCC student John Riley will join instructor Jimmie Evans as the school's representatives at the HEADW AE program. Receiving the honor, Riley said "was qui te unexpected. I was kind of shocked. He's also looking forward to attending the program as an additional learning experience. Riley, who is currently study– ing in the associate degree nurs– ing prog1·am, has a career goal of earning a master's degree in trauma nursing or becoming a family nurse practitioner. He plans to receive his MCC degree in May. The Bogalusa (La.) High School graduate received the Emily Louise McDonald Nurs– .ing Scholarship. He was a humanities student honoree at the Natchez Literary Festival in May 1995 and is MCC's Aca– demic All-American nominee for this year. He was named to the President's List for the Fall 1993, Spring 1994 and Spring 1995 semesters. He holds a 2.853 grade point average on a 3.0 scale.
a 4.0 grade point. average while attending ECCC. She received thli General Chemistry I award her freshman year during Awards Day activities held last spring. Anthony is a member of Phi Theta Kappa, Mu Alpha Theta, Warrior Corps and serves as reporter for Alpha Alpha Epsilon, "The Engineers." She is recipient of the National Colle– giate Engineering Award. She was selected a USA All– American Scholar and was recently named to Who's Who Among Students in American J unior Colleges.
instructor Linda B. Bau· cum of Decatur and sophomore Angela Antho– ny of Sebastopol have been selected as
ECCC's out· standing H E A D W A E Baucum faculty member and student for the 1995-1996 spring term. Baucum has been a member of the ECCC faculty for two years. She previously served as English instr uctor at Newton, Newton County and Decatur high schools where she was cho– sen STAR Teacher on three occasions. In all, she has more than 25 years service in the field
An honor graduate of Sebastopol High School, Antho– ny was named valedictorian and received various other honors. She was also a Beta Club mem– ber and served three years as editor of the school newspaper. She plans to continue her ,L._____
education at MSU and pursue employment in lhe chemical engineering field.
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