WEEK OF _ _,""'
Warriors drink from victory bowl; Wolves basketball team adjusts By Lee Baker Clarion-ledger StaffWriter
Co-Lin leaders are sopho– mores Marcus Tyler, a 6-7 post from Monticello, signed by Idaho, with 16.1 points and 10.4 rebounds a game, and Donald Fleming, a 6-3 off guard from Fayette, averag– ing 14.2 points. Southwest basketball: Sout hwest's Bears, now led by Don ":Subba" Skelton , head to the Bossier City (La) C lass ic to meet R i chland (T exas) Friday and North– lake (Texas) Saturday. T he Bears go in 5-5 overall, 0-2 South with those losses to GulfCoast and East Central. "We started 4-0, then lost some close ones - to.Holmes by 2, East Central by 2 and Delgado by 3," Skelton said. "So fa r Rusty Chapman (a 5- 9 poin t guard from Baton Rouge) is our only one aver– aging double fi gures at 25 a game. "That's lots of inexperi– ence wi th two of our five sophomores out with injuries con t ri bu ting to that, but things are getting better." East Central basketball: Eas t Central als o h i ts t he road this weekend, Friday at 8 p.m., faci ng its host at the Bishop State (Ala.) I nvita– tional, t hen Saturday either Alabama Southern or Wal– lace State/Selma. The Lady Warriors lead off Saturday play against Bis hop State at 1:30. The EC men are 7-1,2-0 South. The EC women are 4- 3,0 2South.
JUNIOR COLLEGES running; back from Panama City. Fla., \\as the game's most valuable player after gaining 197 yard~ on 32 car– ries. "No"' it':; recruiting time," Coats said, ''with 18 sophs to replace. mo::.t ofthem starters or top baci.'Up::..., Co·Lin basketball: Bas– ketball ea-. , towards a shut– down until after the holidays with a ,cattering of games this week. Leading off tonig-ht is Co– piah-Lincoln ho~ting Delga– do of~ ew Orlean~ \\ith hopes of improving records before the break. Gwyn Young's Lady Woh-e, are 8-2 overall, 2-0 South Dhision. Dennis Sims' Wolve" are 7-3, 1-1 South. Sims. DC\\ to Co-Lin after 12 years coaching at South– west Missis~ippi, admits "we still are adju,.,ting the lineup. Lately the defense has car– ried us, giving up just 60.1 points a game the last five." T he highlight thus fa r is twice beating Nor thwest Mi ss issippi. perhaps the North Di\ision's best. Sims, neverthele ·s, hopes for im– proved offense, saying, "That still has a ways to go." That could come if 6-foot -4 forward Darron Heckard, last season's top scorer, regains his eligibility. He is already $igned by Northeast Louisiana.
East Central's 7-6 victory over Middle Georgia in the Golden Isles Bowl last week– end in Brunswick, Ga., was particu larly welcome since it was the first bowl game for t heWarriors s ince 1949. "Thai was a good one - a close match," EC coach Wil– lie Coats said. "We outgained them big (350 yards rushing and passing to 163), but only had three longdrives -miss– ing a field goal, scoring and ending the game on t heir 3." Middle Georgia scored its fi rst possession after a 72- yard punt return to the EC 10. But on whatwould prove to be the game-decider Middle Georgia first had a point-after kick blocked. The play was p romptly cancel ed by off– sides on East Central. Mid– dle Georgia then had a fake kick fail as EC defensive back Ashanti Webb pressuredMG quart erback Ashl ey Lewis into a wild throw nowhere close to a receiver. "Our defense played espe– cially well," Coats said, "while the offense did what it hadtodo." The Mississippians made their winning drive after an interception by Forest's J oey Pinkston at the EC 33, strik– ing in five plays with Mack Pittman going the final 7 yard s followed by Sh aun Wa lke r 's game-winnin g PAT. Pittman, a fr hman
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