WEEK OF ---l'U..' .=..- a~tt -;;..9;;J.Jl~e-----
ECCC basketba II teams get big sweep ··
East Central plays host to 16 teams Fans of high school basket– . ball can get a full dose of the sport by attending a 16-team tournament Dec. 2-7 and host– ! ed by East Central Community College in Decatur. The six-day tourney fea– tures 56 games played at vari– ous sites on and off campus. Aclion will be held in the Brae– keen-Wood Physical Education Building, South campus gym, and Newton County High School. Participating will be girls' and boys' teams from Carthage, Edinburg, South Leake, Choctaw Central, Mor– ton, Forest, Lake, Scott Cen– tral, Sebastopol, Newton City School, Newton County High School, Union, Neshoba Cen– ttal, Nanih Waiya, Noxapater, and West Lauderdale. For more information con– tact Coach Sammy Pace, ECCC Athletic Director, a t 635-2111, ext . 246.
It was a "clean sweep" for East Central Community Col– lege basketbalJ squads which defeated l\fississipp1 Delta and East Mississippi teams during action last week. After posting the nondivision victories, the Warriors and Lady Warriors improved to 4-1 on the young season. In games played at Missis– sippi Delta Thursday night, Marty Cooper's Warriors rolled to a 78-51 win. whi le the Sammy Pace-led Lady War– riors held on for a 70-69 deci– sion. Darrick )fa_ sey of Forest led ECCC with 14 points against the home-standing Tro– an s, followed by Maurice Bowie of Morton with 13. ECCC led 41-20 at halftime. In women's action, Nicole
Barrett of Morton paced the Lady Warriors with 18 points, ·· trailed by Stephanie Houston of Carthage with 13. Delta led 36-29 at halftime. In action Monday, Nov. 18, at the Brackeen-Wood Physical Education Building, Maurice J ones pumped in 16 points to lead East Central in a 78-70 victory over the Lions. Other top scorers were Her– bert Montgomery, 13; Bowie, 11; and Freddie Jowers, 10. The score was tied 32-32 at halftime. Houston l ed the ECCC women with 19 points in the 70-66 decision over the Lady Lions. Other leading pointmak– ers were Barrett, 18, and Tara Hall of Leake Academy, 16. The Lady Warriors led 35- 31 at intermission.
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