\-VEEK 0 F _....:.. .c-1 _· cQ....:.."''....:..·_q:...::lRt..-----
EC's fate rests with games at Jones By MARTY STAMPER Democrat sports editor bottom of the lir.,t 'With a ~ingle for the \\ar– rior!> only hit of the contest M .. reu... Thame~ (0-3) took the loss as EC committed ,e,en errors. of the thud \\ ith two coming on a home run b) Brandon \\ 1lllam,. EC', Tomm) Bo~t had a pair of double , \\hlle C3.1) Lambert and Greg McBride each had a n)e and a double. Kenn> Estep (S-4)
The East Central Community College Warriors won just two of six baseball games last week but still managed to improve the1r position in the race for a Region 23 Touma– ment berth as Jones went 0-4. EC is I-2-7 in league play, wh1le Jones I'> 10-9. At 16-2. Gulf Coast seems a lod. fo r the top spot from the South Di vision. EC visits Jones today and hosb Gull Coast on Saturday. Both are I p.m. twinbills. • Itawamba 17-5, EC 1-1: The Wanior~· week got off to a dismal start w1th a pair of losses to !tawamba on April 16 in Decatur. In the opener. Jason Latham led off the
In the second game. Thame' led EC \\Jth a smgle and a double The \\'amors led 1-0 after an uming. but a three-run e.. me gave Ita\\ amha the lead for ~ood I Lltha (1-4 took the los for _b- " EC • Hind., h- 1. rc 3-ll: The \\amors Eagh:-. '~ In a p.ur of game, Titursda~ aft_er– noon at Ra) m nd In the opener. EC led 3-2 unul HinJ, -.co11:J tour run' 10 the bottom of the t1fth. 1\Jo,t ot the dan .tge c. .~mc on a three-run homer h) .-\mh Steven-;. 1 he \\ am11r:- 'cored three n111s t!l the top
-3 nllo\\ ed on I) one run Ill and ,;ot :Ul the offen e he nee1.kd
\\hen the \\amors ract..ed up rune run\ m the 1 p of th. ~nd mmng Bo!>t had a grand :ht the upn,mg. ~larcu Th me:. had a homer and a o;ingli! tnr EC freddse Gemr~ had a smgk and uuuble. "htle ~kBride and Enc Butler t h had a double , the Wamors put the run r1le tnto effect alter fl, e mnings. EC', record went to 11-6 in the Sl h lam 1 h
today, Gulf Coast Saturday
Division and 27-16 overall. Hinds went to I0-4 and 18- 12 • EC S-5, Hinds l -6: The Warriors and Eagle~ '>plit another twinbill Saturday after– noon 111 Decatur. In "inning the opener, Cary Lambert reached on an error and scored on a double pl,t) tn the bottom of the fifth to snap a 1-1 tie. Jonathan Crowe added a pair of in!>urance run~ \\-Hh a homer in the sixth. l\hck Gamt) Iatt:r smgled and scored in that inmng. Joe> Rigdon (5- I) aiJo,\ ed onl~ one run and five hits to get the win. He <;truck out II\ C. Andy Lee (4-4) took the lo~s despite gi\ • mg up JUSt ~ix hits. ~lareus Thames had a pa1r of s1ngles for
EC, while Wes Muse homered for Hinds. In the nightcap, EC starter Jason Latham gave up four runs in just I 1/3 innings as the Warriors were unable to complete the sweep. EC led 3-0 after one inning, before the Eagles scored four times in the second. Steven Hester's solo homer off Willis Lally (8-4) to start the sixth snapped a 5-5 tie and proved to be decisive. Marcus Thames had a single and a double to drive in a pair of oms for the Warriors. Tommy Bost had a ~acrifice fly while two Warrior runs scored on a botched pickoff try. Brian Compton (6-2) got the win. EC"s record went to 12-7 tn the South Division and 28-17 overall. Hinds went to Il-5and 19-13.
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