WIN ECCC INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL TITLE - Winning first pale~ in the intramural basketball competition held at East Central Com-nunity College in Decatur were the above members of the team "Ghetto Blasters". Pictured are (first row from left) Quentin Holmes of Louisville; Dejuan Clark of Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Jimmy Kincaid of Morton; and justin Walley of Philadelphia and (second row from left) Kelvin Lyon of Decatur; Shaun Grant of Conehatta; William Mayes of Roosevelt, ALa.; Letrail Cistrunk of Louisville; and DeAngelo Wilson and Harold Roberts, b APPEARED IN: CARTHAGIN~-------- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_--.--__ NEWTON RECORD_ _.;_..t _ _ _ ClARION-LEDGER_______ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES_ ___ UNION APPEAL._______ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL._ _ _ MERIDIAN STAR______
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