doing the things that are good for us, such as not standing and looking," Pace said. "Actually making things hap– pen, things went well for us." And the Lady Warriors shot the ball extremely well in the second half, ripping the nets on 19-of-32 shots, after finishing the first half only hitting 11-of- 33. "Sometimes it seems like a very small hole with a lid on it, but in the second half it must have seemed like a dumpster to us because we were throw– ing everything in there," Pace said.
During this span, Reed col– lected 10 rebounds and eight points, while Owens and Houston both tossed in eight points apiece. "Our starters are out there for a reason, but our bench is a big key to our team," Pace said. "We feel like that's what makes us go." Hinds responded with a pair of treys from Felisa Buckner to trim the deficit to 60-53, but the Lady Warriors quickly set aside any comeback attempts by stretching their lead to 72- 57 on a 12-4 scoring surge.
"I thought defense was a big factor, but once we started shooting the ball well, and See ECCC, Page 4C L---~------~----------
ECCC Cont1nued from page 1 c
12 and ~ Gentry with 11. Jenmfer Alexander didn't s~ore for. ECCC but dished out eight assists - including 8 . . th~ crucial ~econd half. lX m It w.as just a total team ~ffo~t With everyone contribut– mg, Pace said. Hinds was led by Pamela Lazare'~ 20 points Jessica Brous::;ard 's 17 d Buckner's 16. an
F .Hinds (71) - Pamela Lazare -;n T ehs~ Buckner 16, Janette Mc0onald. 1, ~e!sf 8 s 5 '~ena~ 0 s~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ccJ~~~~ ~: roussard 17. 24 .Ea~~~~~tra~~~~ - Mona Owen! ~hompson 3. 0 1 Vta M;8on:3~~; H~~;(Jn g.' Tara Hall 6 Stephani€ HCC ECCC 33 38 - 71 32 53 - 85
Ree~, who finished the tour– ney with 52 points and 43 rebounds in two games paced th~ Lady Warriors w'ith 26 homts and ~9 boards, followed Y Owens with 24, Houston with
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