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ECCC marchi
includes over 120 members The largest East Central
Demse Over-.treet and Jermamc Jones. both of Newton, Dav1d Neal and Nathan Kmg, hoth of Le ke Academ); J s ica Jordan. Edmburg: Bnan WelT Ph1l d lphia Larl) Grantham. ( hntt n, Core} Robin~on. Scott C mrnl, and Tywan Stafford. N hoh Central, Horn lin"' n mbcrs f hJ h Ben and Jared Jtm b h fChocta\\ Centr,al; Ri"'h rd Burtbn Jim Sa..,ell. Dawn Ward. T J. Alexander. l.rnlll) Bullod; R> an Clarke, Lana Lohrcr. u1ri White, Carolyn Thames, Jo~h Bamberg. Brian Green and Jeremy S\\ indle, all ot Ne;;wton C qunt). April Greer and Amy W,l\kJn<;, l' 1th" nt Carthage: Mmannc Lang. Oli\ 1. Hamil. Gary I lodges and Stephanie Patrick, ~II of eb;~stopo • Kril>ti Conrad. Ja.,on Jone~. 4i ty Ann Smith. Stephen Sp1r J B Ware, Dan Hendon and Detnck • anford. all of Uniun: Melissa S ncldand. Jason Holmes and Levar Robmc;on, all of Morton: Kim Tew nd Dtane Moore, both of Forest, H;uold Farmer. Matt Eake'> Jennafer Wells Chnstie Beckham. Stephen Jenkins. Charles wight ey und Greg Clintwood, all of Ncshoba ( entri\1; Joel Rendleman. Adrienne Robinson and Brad McD11l. all of Newton: Kimberly !layne!\, Carolyn Gladney 1 Phillip l'rrplcll . Joseph Nowell ,md J.1son W.llluc~·. all of Louisvilk. Misty Burrell, Ben Wall and Sarah Wlllte!.ell, .111 of Scott Central: T) Janko\\ ski and Tracy Patrick. both of Lake: J 1.011 Alford and Justin Griffin h11th of Philadelphia: Stacy C. rter, Winston Academy, Bntt Co per Leake Academy: and Rochelle G1ven,, Meridian: and managers Chad Ha\•ard and Shawn Uous r b<1th of Lake: Victor Par~>;er of Morton, ic Ma~se} of Union and Mason Cenain of Scott Central For more 1nfom1at10n bout the ECCC Band Prngr. m. l'Ontm:t Mr. Carson tt ECCC, P 0. Box· l2Q, Decatur, MS 39327, Ph 635-2H 1, ext. 228.
Community College Marching Band in school history is providing halftime entertainment for ECCC football games during the 1996 sea– son. Director Thomas W. Carson said the ECCC band is now referred to as "The Wall ·o· Sound," gener– ated by its 122 members. Carson is assisted by Johnny May. Band members include drum major Richard Edwards of Scott Central and assistant drum major Cheryl Watkins of Lake; cen– traleetes Kell y Alexander, Lisa Harrison, Michelle Henley and Tori Jordan, all of Newton County; Brandi Atkinson. Karen McRae and Amanda Sanders, all of Carthage; Bonnie Bates. Jill Martin, Amanda Posey and Whitney Salter, all of Ne~hoba Central; Layla Peoples and Tracy Richards, both of Newton High School; Erin Crave, Newton Academy; Jessica Hollis, Morton, LaRee Lyle, Scott Central ; Allison McPhail, Leake Academy; and Heather Smith, Noxapater. Flag corp members Yuolonda Am is, Cassie Harrell, Tawanna Hunter and Billie McCune, all of Union; Jerami Beard, Heather Denson. Misty McCurdy, Amanda McGahey and Natasha Youngblood, all of Morton; April Crocker, Gwen Owens, Danesa Shephard and Susan Smith, all of Newton County; Quanta Hill and Mandi Savell, both of Neshoba Central; Margie L. Dickerson. Leake Academy; Alnedra Evans. Newton; Rosalind Evans, Meridian: Traci Robinson, Louisvill; and Sis!>y Greer, Carthage; R1fle team members Lynn Allison. Joni Hicks and Brand} Rush, all of Neshoba Central; and N1cole Simpson, Morton; Drum line/percussion mem–
bers Detra Carter, Lee Rigdon. Jason Gaines, Glen Hansford, Scott Houston and Mingo Tingle, all of Newton County; Clark Foy and APPEARED IN: Kev in Carter. both of Un ion; CARTHAGINIAN~----:---- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_,../___ NEWTONRECORD__ ~J _____ CLARION-LEDGER._____
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