WEEK OF ---~1..~..1 -~u'--;_9..:u...' lll--------
Bankston .loins Warr ior Corps Deanna Bankston of Union bas been selected as a member of the East Central Community College Warr ior Corps, the official student host and recruiting group for the college. An English secondary education major, Bankston was salutatorian a nd was named Most Likely to Succeed and Best Personality at Union. She was a lso a member of the Hall of Fame and received the community service award, as well as sev– eral subject area awards. She is the daughter of Kenny Joe and Lisa Bank– ston. (EC photo)
... .. Knight Joins Warrior Corps Brooke Knight of Decatur has been selected a member of the East Central Community College Warrior Corps, the official student host a.nd recruiting group for the college. Knight was Home– coming Queen, Student Bod:v president and Miss Newto~ County High School, and was selected Cutest and Most Courteous at Newton Coun– ty. At ECCC, she is majoring in biological engineering. She is the daughter of Jackie and Janice Knight.
McCune .Joins Warrior Corps Billie McCune of Union bas been selected a member of the East Central Community College Warrior Corps, the officia l student host and recruiting group for the college. McCune received the spirit award and was junior and senior homecoming maid in high school. At East Central, she is majoring in sociaJ work and is a member of the Warrior March ing Band. She is the daughter of Tommie D. a nd Ruthie McCune.
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